Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 32

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Blaðsíða 32
TRBOJEVIÓ N., MOONEY D. E. AND BELL A. J. the staple combustible fuel used for these purposes is and has always been wood, and such societies rely on the presence of large areas of forest, or of managed woodland, to supply their subsistence needs. This was also the case with the Settlement society of Iceland during the Viking Age: its needs for fírewood were met through the exploitation of woodlands, supplemented perhaps by other resources. Nowadays, one of the principal goals of archaeology in Iceland, which together with palaeoecology is the only research tool appropriate for the settlement period, is to determine the nature and scale of exploitation of the original woodlands to meet the need for firewood as one of the main fuel types. The study of this exploitation forms part of the discussion of human-environment interactions during the colonisation of the island. In what follows, we present the results of an experiment carried out at the full-scale replicated Viking Age hall at Eiríksstaðir, in the Haukadalur valley in the Dalabyggð district of westem Iceland. This experiment was made to identify the possible degree of the use of birch wood as the sole fuel type for basic household needs during the summer seasons, and contribute to the wider debate about the decline of woodlands and environmental change on the island which took place in the late 9th and early 10th centuries. Landnám deforestation: Examining the anthropogenic impact There is a very well-known joke about the woodlands in modem Iceland: if you get lost in an Icelandic forest, just stand up. Around the country, one observes very little woodland; for the most part, it is birch-dominated shmbland and at best a low-growing forest of crooked trees. However, both palynological evidence and historical sources suggest that this was not always the case. While currently around 20% of the country is covered by vegetation, about 1% of this being birch woodland, estimates of the forest cover at the time oíLandnám (AD 870 - 930) range between 18% (Friðriksson 1987) and 40% (Bjamasson 1971). íslendingabók (The Book of Icelanders), an account of the settlement and early history of Iceland, compiled in the 12th century, states in a much-quoted passage that when the settlers first arrived in Iceland, the land was covered in forest “ffom the mountains to the seashores” (Benediktsson (ed.) 1968, p. 5). Although this is likely to be at least a slight exaggeration, much of the bioarchaeological and palaeoecological research done in recent years has been focused on proving or disproving this statement, and on how Iceland arrived at its present state of relative treelessness. Pollen studies from around the country have shown that birch (Betula nana/pubescens) pollen decreased after the Landnám. Some have shown a very dramatic decline (e.g. Hallsdóttir 1987) while others suggest a more prolonged downtum (e.g. Lawson et al 2007). There are, of course, numerous factors affecting these results, such as the proximity of the pollen core to a Landnám farm, the catchment area of the mire or lake from which the core is taken, and the original vegetation of the landscape as well as regional differences of woodland 30 J
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Archaeologia Islandica

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