Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Side 55

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Side 55
LANDSCAPES OF BURIAL: CONTRASTING THE PAGAN AND CHRISTIAN PARADIGMS OF BURIAL IN VIKING AGE AND MEDIEVAL ICELAND project but at present we cannot do more than note that it is possible that in pre-Christian times a settlement could be associated with more than one cemetery. What we can do is to test the proposition that all settlements were associated with burials in pre-Christian times. It has normally been assumed that this was so (Eldjám 2000, 257) and it can be argued from the normally quite small size of these cemeteries which rearely have more than 10 graves and as a mle far fewer although single graves seem to be more a fimction of discovery than a real (or at least significant) category (Friðriksson 2009). The apparently small size of pagan cemeteries is a strong indication that they were as a rale not shared by multiple households and therefore it is more likely that each household, or at least each farm, had its own cemetery. But this can also be demonstrated by examining how the distribution of pagan burial sites correlates with the value distribution of farms. If pagan cemeteries are associated in equal measure with poor farms as more substantial holdings this would indicate that they represent the whole range of status and wealth, supporting the idea that they are to be expected at every farm. At present pagan burials have been found in 170 locations. 157 are published in the 2000 edition of Kristján Eldjám’s Kuml og haugfé but further analysis of the sites suggests that Stóri Klofi should be regarded as two distinct sites and that the burials in Berafjörður are in fact four separate cemeteries associated with four different farms while the site in Borgames (Eldjám 2000, 100-101) has been demoted frorn burial status. Since 2000 nine pagan cemeteries have been discovered, at Kálfskinn in Eyjaíjörður (Friðriksson et al. 2009), Keldudalur in Skagafjörður (Zoéga 2008), Saltvík (Friðriksson et al. 2005), Daðastaðir in Reykjadalur (Friðriksson et al. 2007), Hringsdalur in Amarfjörður (Friðriksson et al. 2010), Syðribakki in Eyjafjörður (Friðriksson et al. in prep.), Ingiríðarstaðir in Þegjandadalur (Hreiðarsdóttir & Roberts 2009), Geirastaðir in Mývatnssveit (Hildur Gestsdóttir pers. comm.) and Strákatangi in Strandasýsla (Rafnsson & Edvardsson 2011). Ascribing property valuation figures to pagan cemeteries is not straightforward. The lesser problem is that valuation figures are not available for the Viking age and a comprehensive set of property valuations for the whole country only exists from the end of the 17th century. There are however strong indications that these valuations had remained unchanged in the majority of cases since the high middle ages. The earliest examples of valuations survive from the 13th century and there is nothing to indicate that the system as a whole underwent stractural changes anytime before the 19th century: there are enough examples of unchanged valuations from the 13th to the 17th century to assert that this system was in effect frozen (Lárasson 1962; Lárasson 1967, 32). Even if valuations had changed the system would still reflect the relative difference in productivity from one farm to the next and as there was also a remarkable stability in farm units (Vésteinsson 2007, 124) it is possible to use these data as indicators for the relative value of different fanns in the Viking age. The greater problem is to decide which valuation figures to ascribe to individual cemeteries. In Eldjárn’s catalogue cemeteries are listed by the farm where they are now found but in many cases it is 53
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