Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Side 77

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2011, Side 77
THE ICELANDIC WHETSTONE MATERIAL - AN OVERVIEW OF RECENT RESEARCH References Askvik, Helge and Colleen Batey. 2009: “The whetstones: Petrography and Provenance”, in Lucas, Gavin (ed.) Hofstaðir Excavations of a Viking Age Feasting Hall in North-Eastem Iceland, 293-296 Bragason, Gísli Öm, 2008: “Bergreæði og uppruni íslenskra Brýma/Petrography and Provenance of lcelandic Hones. ’’ B.S., University of Iceland. Christensen, Ame Emil, 1978: “Klástadskipet.” Naturen Nr. 2 Crosby, D.D.B., and Mitchell J.G., 1897: “A survey of British metamorphic honestones of the 9th to 15th centuries AD in the light of potassium-argon and natural remnant magnetisation studies.” Joumal of Archaeological Science Vol. 14,183-206 Daly, Aoife, and Nymoen, Pál, 2008: “The Bole Ship, Skien, Norway - Research History, Dendrochronology and Provenance.” The International Joumal of Nautical Archaeology 153-170. Edwald, Ágústa (ed.) 2009: Öskuhaugsrannsóknir á Skútustöðum í Mývatnssveit 2008, Framvinduskýrsla 1, FSÍ (FS419-08271) Reykjavík (Sigrid Juel Hansen: Whetstones from Skutustaðir 2008 - preliminary assessment) Edwald, Ágústa (ed.) 2010: Öskuhaugsrannsóknir á Skútustöðum i Mývatnssveit 2009 Framvinduskýrsla II, (FS447-08272) Reykjavík (Sigrid Juel Hansen: Whetstones from Skutustaðir 2009 - Preliminary assessment, p. 56-61) Eldjám, Kristján, and Friðriksson, Adolf 2000: Kuml og Haugfé, Reykjavík Hansen, Sigrid Cecilie Juel, 2009: Whetstones from Viking Age Iceland - As part of the Trans-Atlantic trade in basic commodities, MA thesis University of Iceland, Reykjavík Hansson, Oddgeir and Gísladóttir, Guðrún Alda (eds.), 2009: Björgunauppgröftur í land Nausta á Akureyri, (Skyrsla II) FSÍ (FS430-07262) Reykjavík (Sigrid Juel Hansen: Whetstones from Naust 2008 - preliminary assessment) Harrison, Ramona (ed.), 2010: Gásir Hinterlands Project 2009 - Midden Prospection and Excavation, FSÍ, Reykjavík and CUNY NORSEC, New York (FS440-06384) (Guðrún Alda Gísladóttir, Sigrid Juel Hansen, Sólveig Guðmundsdóttir Beck: Gásir Hinterlands Finds reports, p.50-64) Livland, Haakon, 1992: Eidsborgbryner - Eksportvare i Telemark fra Vikingetid til váre dager. Lárdal Bygdemuseum. Michell, J. G. H., Askvik, H., and Resi, H. G. 1984: “Potassium-Argon Ages of Schist Honestones from The Viking Age Sites at Kaupang, Aggersborg, Hedeby and Wolin, and their Archaeological Implications.” Jottrnal of Archaeological Science'Voi. 11, 171-76. Myrvoll, Siri 1984: “Trade in Telemark and the Earliest Settlement in Skien.” Offa Vol. 41, 41-55 Myrvoll, Siri 1986: “Skien og Telemark - naturressurser, produkter og kontakter i sen vikingtid og middelalder.” Viking, 161-80 Nymöen, Pál, 2011: ”Kun for den smarte skippers regning? Skipsvrak med omsettelig ballast: pá sporet av kvemstein, kleber og brynehandelen fra Norge ca 800-1800” in Axelsen, I (ed) Nicolay nr 114,2011, 65-75 Resi, H. G., and Askvik, H., 2008: The Kaupang Finds Volume III C, Whetstones and Grindingstones in the settlement; the 1956-1974 excavations, Norske Oldfund XXIX, Kulturhistorisk Museum, Universitetet i Oslo. Oslo. Resi, H. G., 1990: “Die Wetz- und Schleifsteine aus Haithabu. ”1-133. Neumiinster: Bereich iiber die ausgrabungenn in Haithabu 28, Roberts, H.M. (ed.) 2010: Gásir Post Excavation Reports - Volume 2, FSÍ Reykjavík, (FS450-010713) (Sigrid Cecilie Juel Hansen: Part six — Preliminary analysis of the whetstone collection from Gásir, p.73-82) Traustadóttir, Ragnheiður; Hansen, Sigrid Juel; Sigurgeirsson, Magnús, 2008: Fomleifakönnun í landi Urriðakots í Garðabæ, Rannsóknarskýrsla 2008 Garðabæ. (Whetstones from Urriðakot 2008) Traustadóttir, Ragnheiður; Skogbert, Madelene; Hansen, Sigrid J.; Fennö, Helena; Brorson, Thorbjöm, 2009: Jarðfundnir gripirfra Hólum í Hjaltadal 2002-2008, Preliminary report, Reykjavík. (Status of the whetstones from Hólat; Kolkuós and Keldudalur, p. 62-64) Unpublished material: Questionnaires by the ethnographíc department of the National Museum of Iceland, Þjóðháttadeild: "016 - Totfskitrður og móverk": Guðmundur Guðjónsson (2612961608) source nr. Nr. 1541 Guðmundur Steinn Einarsson (2805172599) source nr. Nr. 2792) “030 - Heyannir V": Haraldur Matthíasson (1603083389) Laugarvatn, sourcenr. Nr 3515 Material mentioned in the article from the following 75
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Archaeologia Islandica

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