Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.12.1993, Page 23
Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga 1. tbl. 1. árg. 1993
Miller, P., Wikoff, R., McMahon, M., Garrett, M.J., Ringel, K.,
Collura, D., Siniscalchi, K., Sommer, S., Welsh, N. (1989).
Personal adjustments and regimen compliance 1 year
after myocardial infarction. Heart and Lung, 18, 339 -
3 46.
Murray, P.J. (1989). Rehabilitation information and health
beliefs in the post-coronary patient: do we meet their
informination needs? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14,
686 - 93.
Ragnheiður Haraldsdóttir. (1984). lcelandiccardiacpatient self-
care agency and adherence to therapeutic regimen. Óbirt MS -
ritgerð: Háskólinn f Wisconsin - Madison.
Thompson, D.R., og Cordle, C.J. (1988). Support of wives of
myocardial infarction patients .Journal of Advanced Nursing,
13, 223-8.
Tilley, J.D., Gregor, F.M., og Thiessen, V. (1987). The nurse’s
role in patient education: incongruent perceptions among
nurses and patients.Journal of Advanced Nursing, 12, 291
- 301.
Whitman, I., Graham, A., Gleit,J., ogBoyd, M.D. (1986). Teach-
ing in Nursing Practice: A professional model. Connecticut:
The purpose ofthis survey is to study the needfor information
among coronary heart disease patients, how the information
is given and if it is effective.
The sample is 87 individuals, age35 -37, who had a myo-
cardial infarct between January lstandOctober lst, 1992 and
who were dischargedfrom the cardiac units of two hospitals in
Reykjavik, lceland. Questionnaires were sent by mail to the
individuals in the sample and responses were obtained from
The results show that more than half of those who answered
wanted more information than theyperceived that they had been
given. Most of them found they were given information on
individual basis and98% stated the information wasgiven in
simple and clear language. The majority wanted information
to be as diverse as possible. The patients said they received most
information from physicians and nurses. 89% ofthe individuals
said they changed their lifestyles after being discharged from
the cardiac unit.
Fólag háskólamenntaðra hjúkrunarfræölnga og
Landssamtök hjartasjúkllnga styrktu þessa könnun.
Hjúkrunarfræðingar og svæfingahjúkrunarfræðingar
óskast til starfa
er sérgreinasjúkrahús með eftirtaldar deildir:
Gjörgæsludeild - svæfingadeild - skurðdeild - geðdeild - handlækningadeild-
bæklunardeild - barnadeild - öldrunardeild - slysadeild - endurhæfíngardeild -
fæðingar- og kvensjúkdómadeild - lyflækningadeild
Deildirnar bjóða upp á áhugaverð verkefni í hjúkrun og gott starfsumhverfi.
Nánari upplýsingar gefur starfsmannastjóri hjúkrunar
Rannveig Guðnadóttir í síma 96-30-273