Morgunblaðið - 09.05.2018, Síða 25

Morgunblaðið - 09.05.2018, Síða 25
MORGUNBLAÐIÐ MIÐVIKUDAGUR 9. MAÍ 2018 Félagsstarf eldri borgara Aflagrandi 40 Opin vinnustofa kl. 9 og foreldramorgnar kl. 10.30. Prjónahópur hittist kl. 13 í sófunum hjá okkur og söngstund við píanóið er kl. 13.45. Hrafn Jökulsson kemur til okkar með bókaspjallið kl. 15. Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur! Árbæjarkirkja Þátttakendur í Opna húsinu, félagsstarfi fullorðinna í Árbæjarkirkju, stilla upp fyrir handavinnusýningu sem opnar á morg- un uppstigningardag 10. maí að lokinni hátíðarguðsþjónustu kl. 14. Allir þeir sem vilja koma handverki á sýninguna velkomnir í kirkjuna milli kl. 13 og 16 í dag. Árskógar Handavinna með leiðbeinanda kl. 9-16. Opin smíðastofa kl. 9-16. Söngstund með Helgu. Opið hús, t.d. vist og brids kl. 13-16. Opið fyrir innipútt. Hádegismatur kl. 11.40-12.45. Kaffisala kl. 15-15.45. Heitt á könnunni. Allir velkomnir. S. 535-2700. Handverkssýning fimmtudag og föstudag kl.13-16. Bólstaðarhlíð 43 Opin handverksstofa kl. 9-16. Morgunkaffi kl. 10- 10.30. Botsía kl. 10.40-11.20. Börn frá leikskólanum Stakkaborg koma í heimsókn kl. 13. Volare-kynning kl. 11.30-15. Glerlist kl. 13-16. Spila- dagur, frjáls spilamennska kl. 12.30-15.50, opið kaffihús kl 14.30-15.15. Bústaðakirkja Engin stund verður í dag miðvikudag, minni á að koma með muni fyrir handavinnusýningu sem verður eftir messu á uppstigningardag. Minni ennfremur á skráningu í vorferði félags- starfsins sem verður farin fimmtudaginn 23. maí. Skráning hjá Hólmfríði djákna í síma 5538500. Uppstigningadagur, messa kl. 14, hátíðarkaffi í boði kirkjunnar eftir messu. Dalbraut 18-20 Verslunarferð í Bónus kl. 14.45 Félagsmiðstöðin Lönguhlíð 3 Upplestur kl. 10.10. Botsía kl. 13.30. Kaffiveitingar kl. 14.30. Allir velkomnir! g Félagsmiðstöðin Vitatorgi Bókband kl. 9-13. Handavinna kl. 9-12. Tölvu- og snjallsímakennsla fellur niður í dag! Bókband kl. 13-17. Frjáls spilamennska kl. 13-16.30, myndlist kl. 13.30-16.30, dansleikur með Vitatorgsbandinu frá kl. 14-15. Kaffiveitingar kl. 14.30-15.30. Verið öll velkomin til okkar í dag, síminn er 411-9450. Garðabær Vatnsleikfimi Sjálandi kl. 7.40/15.15. Kvennaleikfimi í Sjá- landi kl. 9.30. Kvennaleikfimi í Ásgarði kl. 10.40. Gönguhópur fer frá Jónshúsi kl. 10. Brids í Jónshúsi kl. 13. Zumba í Kirkjuhvoli kl. 16.15. Gerðuberg Opin handavinnustofan kl. 8.30-16. Útskurður með leið- beinanda kl. 9-12. Útskurður / pappamódel með leiðbeinanda kl. 13- 16. Félagsvist kl. 13-16. Leikfimi Helgu Ben kl. 11.15-11.45. Velkomin! Gjábakki Kl. 9 handavinna, kl. 9.10 byrjenda-botsía, kl. 9.30 glerlist, kl. 13 félagsvist, kl. 13 postulínsmálun. Grensáskirkja Samverustund eldri borgara kl. 14-15.30. Helgistund, fræðslu- og skemmtiefni og kaffi í lokin. Verið velkomin. Guðríðarkirkja Uppstigningardagur 10. maí kl. 11. Eldri borgara messa, prestur sr. Leifur Ragnar Jónsson, Vorboðinn, kór eldri borg- ara úr Mosfellsbæ syngur undir stjórn Hrannar Helgadóttur. Inga Sæland alþingskona ræðumaður dagsins. Eftir messuna verður boðið upp á kaffiveitingar, Stefán og Davíð Ólafsson skemmta í kaffinu. Málverksýning Guðlaugar Ágústu Lúðvíksdóttur. Allir velkomnir. Gullsmári Myndlist kl. 9. Ganga kl. 10. Postulínsmálun / kvennabrids / silfursmiði kl. 13. Hvassaleiti 56-58 Félagsmiðstöðin er opin kl. 8-16, morgunkaffi og spjall til kl. 10.30, dagblöðin og púsl liggja frammi, morgunleikfimi kl. 9.45, jóga kl. 10 hjá Carynu. Samverustund kl. 10.30; lestur og spjall, hádegismatur kl. 11.30. Handavinnuhópur kl. 13. Söngstund kl. 13.30 Marton og Katalin spila á píanó og þverflautu, kaffi kl. 14.30. Minnum á Vorgleðina föstudaginn 11. maí. Hæðargarður 31 Félagsmiðstöðin opnuð kl. 8.50, við hringborðið kl. 8.50, upplestrarhópur Soffíu kl. 9.45, ganga kl. 10, línudans með Ingu kl. 10, Zumba dans leikfimi með Auði kl. 13, tálgun í ferskan við með Valdóri kl. 14.30, síðdegiskaffi kl. 14.30, allir velkomnir óháð aldri, upplýsingar í síma 411-2790. Korpúlfar Gönguhópar kl. 10 í dag frá Borgum og opið hús e.h. í Borgum frá kl. 13. Samvera, spil og handavinna. Allir velkomnir í sumarskapi. Norðurbrún 1 Morgunkaffi kl. 8.30, trésmiðja kl. 9-12, morgunleik- fimi kl. 9.45, viðtalstími hjúkrunarfræðings kl. 10-12, upplestur kl. 11, félagsvist kl. 14, ganga með starfsmanni kl. 14, Bónusbíllinn kl. 14.40, heimildarmyndasýning kl. 16. Seltjarnarnes Gler neðri hæð félagsheimilisins kl. 9. Leir Skólabraut kl. 9. Botsía salnum Skólabraut kl. 10. Kaffispjall í króknum kl. 10.30. Kyrrðarstund í kirkjunni kl. 12. Timburmenn Valhúsaskóla kl. 13. Handavinna Skólabraut kl. 13. Vatnsleikfimi í sundlauginni kl. 18.30. Á morgun, 10. maí uppstigningadag / dagur aldraðra verður helgistund í kirkjunni með léttu ívafi kl. 11. Hljómsveitin Sóló leikur. Stangarhylur 4, Göngu-Hrólfar ganga frá Ásgarði Stangarhyl 4 kl. 10. Raðauglýsingar 569 1100 Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting JPMorgan Funds The meeting will be held at the location and time stated below. Agenda for Meeting and Shareholder Vote General update of the Articles to introduce provisions in the Articles mainly to comply with the Regulation to be effective on 3 December 2018 or on any other date as decided by the Directors of the Fund but no later than 21 January 2019, and in particular to - Amend Article 3 to update references to laws and regulations applicable to the Fund so as to read as follows: “The exclusive purpose of the Company is to invest the funds available to it in financial assets as permitted by (i) Part I of the law of 17th December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment, as amended from time to time (the “Law”) and/or (ii) the EU Regulation 2017/1131 of the European Parliament and the Council of 14 June 2017 on money market funds (the “Regulation”) where applicable, with the purpose of spreading investment risks and affording its shareholders the results of the management of its assets. The Company may take any measures and carry out any operation which it may deem useful in the accomplishment and development of its purpose to the full extent permitted under the Law and/or the Regulation.” - Amend Article 5 to, inter alia, provide that each sub-fund (i) may qualify either as a short-term or a standard variable net asset value money market fund, a short- term low volatility net asset value money market fund or a short-term public debt constant net asset value money market fund as allowed by the Regulation and, as disclosed in the Prospectus, and (ii) will invest in liquid financial assets or other types of investments allowed under the Regulation; - Amend Article 8 to provide that the Board has the power (i) to refuse to issue or register any transfer of a share, or (ii) to redeem compulsorily any existing shareholding, or (iii) to impose such restrictions or (iv) to demand such information as it may think necessary for the purpose of ensuring that no shares are acquired or held by (directly or indirectly) any person whose shareholding’s concentration could jeopardise the liquidity of the Fund or any of its sub-funds qualifying as MMFs. - For sub-funds qualifying as MMFs, amend Article 16 to, inter alia: o provide that the Board has the power to determine the investment policies and strategies of the sub-funds in compliance with Part I of the Law and/or the Regulation and any other applicable regulations, as will be further described in the Prospectus; o describe the Fund’s eligible assets, which may include money markets instruments, securitisations, asset- backed commercial papers, deposits with credit institutions, financial derivative instruments (within the limits of the Regulation), repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements and units of other MMFs; o describe the Fund’s diversification requirements, and in particular make express reference to all administrations, institutions or organisations that issue or guarantee separately or jointly money market instruments in which the Fund intends to invest more than 5 % of its assets; and o provide that unless otherwise provided for in the Prospectus, the Fund will not invest more than 10% of the assets of any sub-fund in MMFs within the meaning of the Regulation. - Amend Article 21 to grant the Board the power to apply liquidity fees or gating mechanisms, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation and as will be further disclosed in the Prospectus. - Amend Article 22 to, inter alia: o provide that in accordance with the Regulation, the Board may decide to suspend redemptions for any sub- fund qualifying as a MMF for any period up to 15 business days; and o add and clarify circumstances where the Board is allowed to suspend the determination of the net asset value of shares of a sub-fund and the issue, conversion and redemption price, in particular in the case of a suspension of the calculation of the net asset value of one or several underlying investment funds in which a sub-fund has invested a substantial portion of assets. - Amend Article 23 to, inter alia, describe the assets that can be held by sub-funds qualifying as MMFs and the applicable valuation methodology. - Amend Article 24 to provide that shares may be issued against subscription in kind of eligible assets under the Regulation. - Amend Article 30 to clarify that all matters not governed by the Articles shall be determined in accordance with the Luxembourg Law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, the Law and/ or the Regulation, as appropriate. - Add Article 31 to detail the Fund’s internal credit quality assessment and liquidity management procedures. - Add Article 32 to: o describe how information to investors may be made available; and o provide that by the sole fact of investing or soliciting the investment in the Fund, an investor acknowledges the possible use of electronic information means to disclose certain information as set out in the offering documents and confirms having access to internet and to an electronic messaging system allowing the investor to access the information or document made available via an electronic information means. - Make any other changes to the Articles, as deemed necessary to comply with the requirements of the Regulation, any related implementing delegated acts or measures and to generally update the Articles. T H E M E E T I N G Location Registered office of the Fund (see below) Date and time 25 May 2018 at 11.00 CET Quorum Shares representing at least 50% of the value of the shares issued by the Fund. If the quorum is not reached, a second extraordinary general meeting will be convened for 17 July 2018 at 11.00 CET with the same agenda. There is no quorum required for the reconvened extraordinary general meeting. Voting Agenda items will be resolved by a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast. T H E F U N D Name JPMorgan Funds Legal form SICAV - Fund type UCITS Registered office 6, route de Trèves L-2633 Senningerberg, Luxembourg Phone +352 34 10 1 Fax +352 2452 9755 Registration number (RCS Luxembourg) B 8478 Management company JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l. Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting JPMorgan Liquidity Funds The meeting will be held at the location and time stated below. Agenda for Meeting and Shareholder Vote Update to provisions as required by the Regulation (as defined below) or available as a result of changes to the Law (as defined below) and the Luxembourg Law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies (the "1915 Law") to be effective on 3 December 2018 or on any other date as decided by two directors of the Fund but no later than 21 January 2019 1 Introduce provisions in the Articles as required by the Regulation or as a result of changes to the Law and the 1915 Law, and in particular to: - amend Article 3 to update references to laws and regulations applicable to the Fund so as to read as follows: “The purpose of the Company is to invest the funds available to it in high quality short-term liquid assets permitted by EU Regulation 2017/1131 of the European Parliament and the Council of 14 June 2017 on money market funds (the “Regulation”) and by Part I of the law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment, as may be amended from time to time (the “Law”) with the purpose of spreading investment risks and affording its shareholders the results of the management of its assets. The Company may take any measures and carry out any transaction which it may deem useful for the fulfilment and development of its purpose to the fullest extent permitted under the Regulation and the Law.” - amend Article 5 to, inter alia, provide that each sub-fund may qualify either as a short-term or a standard variable net asset value money market fund, a short-term low volatility net asset value money market fund or a short-term public debt constant net asset value money market fund as allowed by the Regulation and, as disclosed in the Prospectus, and will invest in liquid financial assets or other types of investments allowed under the Regulation; - amend Article 15 to, inter alia: o provide that the Board has the power to determine the investment policies and strategies of the sub-funds in compliance with the Regulation, Part I of the Law, and any other applicable regulations, as will be further described in the Prospectus; and o align the Fund’s eligible assets and diversification requirements to the Regulation; - amend Article 20 to grant the Board the power to apply liquidity fees or gating mechanisms, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation and as will be further disclosed in the Prospectus; - amend Article 21 to provide that in accordance with the Regulation, the Board may decide to suspend redemptions for certain sub-funds for any period up to 15 business days; - amend Article 28 to clarify that all matters not governed by the Articles shall be determined in accordance with the 1915 Law , the Regulation and the Law; - add Article 30 to detail the Fund’s internal credit quality assessment and liquidity management procedures; and more generally, make any other changes to the Articles as deemed necessary in particular to comply with the requirements of the Regulation and any other delegated or implementing acts and the Law and 1915 Law Update to provisions related to non-payment of subscriptions to be effective on 3 December 2018 or on any other date as decided by two directors of the Fund but no later than 21 January 2019 2 Update the provisions of Article 6 related to non-payment of subscriptions in particular to: - provide that the issuance of shares will be subject to the condition that the purchase price is received with good value from the subscriber; - provide that the acceptance of the subscription and the issue of the shares will be evidenced by the issue of a contract note; - provide that shares will be pledged to the benefit of the Fund pending the payment of the purchase price by the subscriber; - grant the Fund or its delegate with the discretionary power to redeem or cancel the shares issued at the cost and expense of the subscriber and without prior notice, in case the purchase price has not been received from the subscriber by the Fund or its delegate within the time limit provided for in the Prospectus, or if at any time after the receipt of a subscription request, for classes of shares that do not settle on the same day as the subscription request, the Fund becomes aware of a market event or an event affecting the investor that, in the opinion of the Fund or its delegate, is likely to result in a situation where the investor will not be in a position to or willing to pay the purchase price within the aforesaid time limit; - provide that the Fund or its delegate may also enforce the Fund’s rights under the pledge, at its absolute discretion, and bring an action against the investor or deduct any costs or losses incurred by the Fund or its delegate against any existing holding of the investor in the Fund; - provide that any shortfall between the purchase price and the redemption price and any costs incurred by the Fund or its delegate to enforce the Fund’s rights will be required to be paid by the subscriber to the Fund upon demand in writing to compensate the damage suffered by the Fund or its delegate; - provide that in case the redemption proceeds exceed the purchase price and the aforesaid costs, the difference may be retained by the Fund or its delegate as both may agree from time to time and that in the case the redemption proceeds and any amounts effectively recovered from the investor are less than the purchase price, the shortfall will be borne by the Fund or its delegates as both may agree from time to time; and - provide that, pending receipt of the purchase price, the transfer or conversion of the relevant shares is not permitted and voting rights and entitlements to dividend payments are suspended. Update to provisions to liquidate, reorganize or merge sub-funds or share classes to be effective on 3 December 2018 or on any other date as decided by two directors of the Fund but no later than 21 January 2019 3 Update the provisions of Article 20 in relation to liquidation, closing down, reorganisation or merger of sub-funds or share classes to: - describe under which circumstances the Board may decide (i) to liquidate a sub-fund or share class, (ii) to close down a class of a sub-fund by merger into another class of the same sub-fund, another sub-fund or another undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities, (iii) the reorganisation of one sub-fund, and (iv) the merger of sub-funds; and - clarify that the provisions on mergers of UCITS set forth in the Law and any implementing regulation shall apply. Update to provisions for appointment of the Board to be effective on 3 December 2018 or on any other date as decided by two directors of the Fund but no later than 21 January 2019 4 Update the provisions of Article 12 to provide that the general meeting of shareholders electing the directors of the Fund shall further determine the number of directors, their remuneration and the term of their office (maximum six years) and that the directors shall be elected at the majority of the votes cast. General, non-material update of the Articles to be effective on 3 December 2018 or on any other date as decided by two directors of the Fund but no later than 21 January 2019 5 General update of the Articles and in particular update of Articles 6, 7, 8, 20, 21 and 22 inter alia: - to provide that shares may be issued against subscription in kind of eligible assets under the Regulation; - to provide that the Board has the power (i) to refuse to issue or register any transfer of a share, or (ii) to redeem compulsorily any existing shareholding, or (iii) to impose such restrictions or (iv) to demand such information as it may think necessary for the purpose of ensuring that no shares are acquired or held by (directly or indirectly) (a) any “U.S. Person”, (b) any person in breach of the law, regulation or requirement of any country or governmental authority, or (c) any person in circumstances which in the opinion of the Board or its delegate might result in the Fund or any of its delegates incurring any liability to taxation or suffering any sanction, penalty, burden or other disadvantage (whether pecuniary, administrative or operational) which the Fund or its delegates might not otherwise have incurred or suffered or otherwise be detrimental to the interests of the Fund or (d) any person whose shareholding’s concentration could jeopardise the liquidity of the Fund or any of its share class or (e) any person who may entail that any limit, to which his shareholding is subject, is exceeded; - to clarify that the Fund may redeem or convert shares of a class where it appears that a shareholder or beneficial owner of a class of shares with specific eligibility criteria does not meet such criteria; - to clarify that the Board may withhold any transfer request and any payment of the proceeds of any redemption request that has been processed, until the demand for further information initiated by the Fund has been satisfied; - to provide that authentication procedures may be put in place by the Fund or its delegates to comply with relevant laws or regulations or to mitigate the risk of error and fraud; - to provide that the Board may decide for the net asset value per share to be determined several times during the same day; - to clarify that the Board may decide to apply a constant net asset value policy; - to add and clarify circumstances where the Board is allowed to suspend the determination of the net asset value of a class of shares and the issue, conversion and redemption price; - to clarify that income and expenses related to a particular valuation day will be accounted for in the last net asset value of that valuation day and be processed as at the last net asset value of the relevant valuation day if the sub-fund / class of shares calculates several net asset values on each valuation day; and - Delete the French translation of the Articles in accordance with Article 26 (2) of the Law. T H E M E E T I N G Location Registered office of the Fund (see below) Date and time 25 May 2018 at 11.30 CET Quorum There is no quorum required for this reconvened extraordinary general meeting. Voting Agenda items will be resolved by a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast. T H E F U N D Name JPMorgan Liquidity Funds Legal form SICAV - Fund type UCITS Registered office 6 route de Trèves, L-2633 Senningerberg, Luxembourg Phone +352 34 10 1 - Fax +352 3410 8737 Registration number (RCS Luxembourg) B 25148 Management company JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l. Atvinnuauglýsingar Sumarafleysing í móttöku mennta- og menningar- málaráðuneytisins Auglýst er eftir starfsmanni í fullt starf í sumar- afleysingu í móttöku mennta- og menningar- málaráðuneytis. Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á vef ráðuneytis, Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 24. maí 2018. Félagslíf Samkoma kl. 20 í Kristni- boðssalnum. Helga Vilborg Sigurjónsdóttir og Kristján Þór Sverrisson segja frá starfi SAT-7 sjónvarpsstöðvarinnar. Allir velkomnir. Hörgshlíð 12 Boðun fagnaðarerindisins. Bænastund í kvöld kl 20.00.



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