Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 27
Table 20.3. Classical concerts by form of performance 1995 and 1999 .................................................... 390
Table 20.4. Concerts of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra 1995-2002 by kind of concerts.................................... 391
Table 20.5. Audiences to concerts of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra 1995-2002 by kind of concerts....................... 392
Table 20.6. Concerts of the North Iceland Symphony Orchestra 1995-2002 ................................................. 392
Table 20.7. Concerts in the concert halls Salurinn and Ýmir 1999-2002................................................... 393
Table 20.8. Classical-concert goers 1991 and 1994-1998. Share of population, %.......................................... 394
Table 20.9. Pop-concert goers 1991 and 1994-1998. Share of population, %................................................ 394
Table 20.10. Imports of musical instruments and accessories 1996-2002. Volume........................................... 395
Table 20.11. Imports of musical instruments and accessories 1996-2002. Cif-value in thous. ISK.......................... 396
Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens
Table21.1. Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1991-2001 ....................................................... 397
Table 21.2. Museums 1991-2001 by kind................................................................................... 397
Table 21.3. Museums 1991-2001 by kind. Percent distribution............................................................. 398
Table 21.4. Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1991-2001 by regions................................................... 398
Table 21.5. Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1991-2001 by regions. Percent distribution............................. 399
Table 21.6. Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens by kind and regions 2001 .............................................. 400
Table 21.7. Visitors to museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1995-2001 by regions....................................... 401
Table 21.8. Visitors to museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1995-2001 by regions. Percent distribution................. 402
Table 21.9. Visitors to museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1995-2001. Percent distribution............................ 402
Table 21.10. Visitors to museums 1995-2001 by kind and regions.......................................................... 404
Table 21.11. Visitors to museums 1995-2001 by regions. Percent distribution............................................. 405
Table 21.12. Visitors to museums 1995-2001 by kind. Percent distribution................................................ 406
Table 21.13. Icelandic and foreign visitors to museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1996-2001........................... 407
Table 21.14. Visitors to museums, zoos and gardens in Reykjavík 1995-2001............................................... 408
Table 21.15. Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1996-2001. Exhibition days in the year................................ 409
Table 21.16. Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1996-2001. Exhibition days per week................................... 410
Table 21.17. Special exhibitions of museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1997-2001 ..................................... 410
Table 21.18. Special exhibitions of museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1997-2001 by regions........................... 411
Table 21.19. Employees of museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1995-2001 ............................................... 411
Table 21.20. Employees of museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens by regions 1995-2001. Paid employees..................... 412
Table 21.21. Employees of museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens by regions 1995-2001. Full-time equivalents..... 413
Table 21.22. Admission revenue of museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1997-2001 by kind................................ 414
Table 21.23. Admission revenue of museums, zoos and gardens 1997-2001 by regions ....................................... 414
Table 21.24. Web sites of museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1998-2001 ............................................... 415
Table 21.25. Museum visitors 1991 and 1994-1998. Share of population, %................................................. 415
Associations of media people and artists
Table 22.1. Members of associations of journalists and graphic designers 1995-2002...................................... 417
Table 22.2. Members of associations of artists 1995-2002................................................................ 418
Table 22.3. Members of the Association of Visual Artists by member associations 1996-2002............................... 419
Table 22.4. Members of the Icelandic Musicians’ Union by divisions 1996-2002 ........................................... 420
Icelandic Press Councii
Table 23.1. Rulings of the Icelandic Press Council 1991-2002 by violation of the code of journalism ethics.............. 421
Table 23.2. Rulings of the Icelandic Press Council 1991-2002 by kind of media........................................... 421
Cultural funds
Table 24.1. Music rights collected by the Performing Rights Society of Iceland 1997-2002................................ 422
Table 22.2. Music rights paid out by the Performing Rights Society of Iceland 1997-2002 ................................ 422
Table 24.3. Icelandic Broadcasting Cultural Fund 1995-2000 ............................................................. 423
Table 24.4. Visual Art Copyright Association’s Fund 1996-2001 .......................................................... 423
Table 24.5. Reprographic collections of works 1998-2001 ................................................................ 424
Table 24.6. State subsidies to film and film culture 1991-2001. Thous. ISK.............................................. 424
Table 24.7. Expenditures of the Icelandic Film Fund 1992-2002. Thous. ISK............................................... 425
Table 24.8. Subsidies by the Icelandic Film Fund by type of projects 1991-2002. Thous. ISK.............................. 425
Table 24.9. Subsidies by the Icelandic Film Fund by type of films 1991-2002. Thous. ISK................................. 426
Table 24.10. Grants allocated by the Icelandic Film Fund by type of projects 1998-2002. Number of projects..... 426
Table 24.11. Grants allocated by the Icelandic Film Fund by type of films 1998-2002. Number of projects................ 426
Table 24.12. Honorary Artist Stipends 1991-2003......................................................................... 427
Table 24.13. Artists’ stipends 1995-2002................................................................................ 428
Table 24.14. Writers Fund 1991-1997 and The Writers’ Lending Library Fund 1998-2002..................................... 429
Table 24.15. Cultural Fund 1993-2003 ................................................................................... 429
Table 24.16. Translation Fund and Literature Promotion Fund 1991-2002................................................... 430
Table 24.17. Subsidies to professional and amateur theatre groups 1991-2003 ............................................ 430
Table 24.18. Public Building Arts Fund 1990-2001 ....................................................................... 431