Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 307
Sjónvarp Television
Tafla 13.59. Hlutdeild einstakra sjónvarpsstöðva í heildaráhorfí 1991 og 1993-2003
Table 13.59. Share ofviewing time by single TV channels 1991 and 1993-2003
Tími könnunar Time of survey Hlutfall af heildartíma, % Percent share of viewing time, %
Ríkisútvarpið - Sjónvarp Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV Einkareknar sjónvarpsstöðvar Private TV channels
Popp Tíví Popp TV Skjár 1 Screen One Stöð 2 Channel 2 Stöð 3 Channel 3 Sýn Vision TV Aðrar stöðvar2 Other channels2
1991 Mars March 61 • 39 • _
1993 Nóvember November 59 40 • 1
1994 Október October 52 • 48 • _
1995 49 • 47 • 4
1996 47 • 39 4 6
1997 50 • 39 4 6
1998 46 • 43 3 8
1999 Apríl April 51 3 41 5
Október October 43 2 40 14
2000 Mars March 47 9 39 5
Október October 42 15 36 7
2001 Mars March 42 18 35 6
Október October 41 3 19 29 8
2002 Mars March 43 18 33 6
Október October 41 3 20 29 6
2003 Mars March 46 3 19 29 3
Skýring Note: Aldur í úrtaki 1991 var 16-74 ára, annars 12-80 ára. Age of samples 1991 was 16-74 years, otherwise 12-80 years.
1 Asamt erlendum stöðvum. Including non-domestic TV channels.
Heimildir Sources: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Fjölmiðlakannanir, 1991-1998), ÍM Gallup (Fjölmiðlakannanir, 1999-2003), Nordisk statistisk
skriftserie, 1993: 62 (Kulturvanor i Norden), Norðurljós, Ríkisútvarpið og SVT/SR/UR (Mediebrev, 1999: 1). Social Science Research Institute at the
University oflceland (Media Surveys, 1991-1998), ÍM Gallup (Media Surveys, 1999-2003), Statistical Reports ofthe Nordic Countries, 1993: 62 (Culture
Activities in the Nordic Countries), Northern Lights Corporation, the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service and SVT/SR/UR (Mediebrev, 1999: 1).
Tafla 13.60. Notkun textavarps Ríkisútvarpsins á viku 1999 og 2001-2002. Hlutfall af mannfjölda, %
Table 13.60. Use of the teletext service of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service in a week 1999 and 2001-2002. Share of
population, %
Fjöldi skipta á viku Number of use in a week
1999 2001 2002
Október October Mars March Mars March
Alls 3,9 4,9 4,9 Total
Karlar 4,5 5,9 5,7 Males
Konur 3,4 3,9 4,1 Females
12-19 ára 5,7 6,7 7,0 12-19 years
20-24 ára 5,4 6,4 5,7 20-24 years
25-29 ára 4,2 5,4 5,7 25-29 years
30-34 ára 3,8 5,3 6,4 30-34 years
35-39 ára 4,4 5,1 5,8 35-39 years
40^1-9 ára 4,4 5,5 4,6 40^t9 years
50-67 ára 2,7 2,8 3,0 50-67 years
68-80 ára 0,7 2,5 2,3 68-80 years
Höfuðborgarsvæði og Suðurnes 3,6 4,2 4,2 Capital region and Southwest
Annars staðar 4,7 6,3 6,4 Other place
Heimild Source: ÍM Gallup (Fjölmiðlakannir, 1999 og 2001-2002). ÍM Gallup (Media Surveys, 1999 and 2001-2002).