Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 65
Opinber útgjöld Public expenditure
Tafla 3.1. Útgjöld hins opinbera til menningarmála 1991-1999
Table 3.1. Public expenditure on cultural and recreational activities 1991-1999
títgjöld í milljónum kr. 1991 [ 1992 j 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999* 1 | Expenditure in mill. ISK
Heildarútgjöld hins
opinbera til
menningarmála Þar af varið til 9.009 9.347 11.144 11.434 10.517
Fjölmiðlunar 183 178 136 155 162
Safna, lista o.fl. 4.024 3.685 4.532 4.750 4.266
Trúmála 1.661 1.770 1.835 1.978 1.992
Æskulýðs-, fþrótta og útivistarmála 2.951 3.549 4.497 4.371 3.950
Annarra menningarmála 189 165 144 181 148
Hlutfall af heildarútgjöldum
hins opinbera, %
Heildarútgjöld hins
opinbera til
menningarmála Þar af varið til 5,38 5,50 6,37 6,20 5,63
Fjölmiðlunar 0,11 0,10 0,08 0,08 0,09
Safna, lista o.fl. 2,40 2,17 2,59 2,58 2,28
Trúmála 0,99 1,04 1,05 1,07 1,07
Æskulýðs-, íþrótta og útivistarmála 1,76 2,09 2,57 2,37 2,11
Annarra menningarmála 0,11 0,10 0,08 0,10 0,08
Hlutfall af vergri lands-
framleiðslu (VLF), %
Heildarútgjöld hins
opinbera til
menningarmála Þar af varið til 2,26 2,33 2,70 2,61 2,33
Fjölmiðlunar 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,04 0,04
Safna, lista o.fl. 1,01 0,92 1,10 1,08 0,95
Trúmála 0,42 0,44 0,45 0,45 0,44
Æskulýðs-, íþrótta og útivistarmála 0,74 0,89 1,09 1,00 0,88
Annarra menningarmála 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,03
Total public expenditure
on cultural and
10.771 12.206 13.698 14.716 recreational activities Thereof allocated to Mass media and
196 193 143 143 publishing
4.357 4.901 5.677 6.305 Cultural affairs and serv. Religious and other
2.073 2.228 2.436 2.438 community affairs Recreational and
4.006 4.727 5.262 5.629 sporting activities Other recreational and
139 158 181 201 cultural activities
Percentage of total
public expenditures
Total public expenditure
on cultural and
5,46 5,92 5,96 6,31 recreational activities Thereof allocated to Mass media and
0,10 0,09 0,06 0,06 publishing
2,21 2,38 2,47 2,70 Cultural affairs and serv. Religious and other
1,05 1,08 1,06 1,04 community affairs Recreational and
2,03 2,29 2,29 2,41 sporting activities Other recreational and
0,07 0,08 0,08 0,09 cultural activities
Percentage of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP)
Total public expenditure
on cultural and
2,23 2,33 2,37 2,36 recreational activities Thereof allocated to Mass media and
0,04 0,04 0,02 0,02 publishing
0,90 0,93 0,98 1,01 Cultural ajfairs and serv. Religious and other
0,43 0,42 0,42 0,39 community affairs Recreational and
0,83 0,90 0,91 0,90 sporting activities Other recreational and
0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 cultural activities
Skýring Note: Tölur eru námundaðar. Figures are rounded to the nearest decimal and do not necessarily add up lo the total.
1 Bráðabirgðatölur. Preliminary data.
Heimild Source: Þjóðhagsstofnun (Búskapur hins opinbera og óútgefin gögn). The Nalional Economic Institute (Búskapur hins opinbera and unpublished
[T 3.1. 1990-1999]