Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 354
Sími og fjarskipti Telecommunications
Tafla 17.2. Hlutfallsleg skipting notendalína í almenna símanetinu 1991-2001 milli heimila og fyrirtækja-
og stofnana, %
Table 17.2. Percent distribution of residential and non-residential main telephone lines in the fixed network 1991-2001
í árslok Alls Heimilistengingar Fyrirtækja- og stofnanatengingar
End-of-year Total Residential lines Non-residential lines
1991 100,0 76,0 24,0
1992 100,0 75,0 25,0
1993 100,0 76,0 24,0
1994 100,0 76,0 24,0
1995 100,0 76,0 24,0
1996 100,0 75,0 25,0
1997 100,0 75,0 25,0
1998 100,0 75,0 25,0
1999 100,0 74,9 25,1
2000 100,0 74,1 25,9
2001 100,0 70,7 29,3
Skýringar Notes: Ásamt ISDN stofn- og grunntengingum. Skipting milli heimilistenginga og fyrirtækja- og stofnanatenginga eru nálgaðar tölur. Including
ISDN basic and ISDN primary lines. Distribution between residential and non-residential lines are approximate figures.
Heimildir Sources: EUROSTAT (Communication Services 1980-1992), Póstur og sími og Póst og fjarskiptastofnun. EUROSTAT(Communication Services
1980-1992), Post and Telecommunication Authorities and Post and Telecommunication Administration.
[T 17.2 1989-2001]
Tafla 17.3. Uppsettar línur í almenna símanetinu og háhraðatengingar 1994-2002
Table 17.3. Access channels in thefixed telephone network and digital subscriber lines 1994-2002
í árslok End-of-year Uppsettar línur Access channels (wired lines) Háhraða-nettengingar (xDSL áskriftir)2 xDSL subscriber connections2
Alls1 Total1 Notendalínur í fastaneti (PSTN) Standard lines (PSTN) ISDN grunn- tengingar (2B+D) ISDN basic (2B+D) ISDN stofn- tengingar (30B+D) ISDN primary (30B+D) '
1994 148.300 148.300
1995 148.645 148.645
1996 156.807 153.551 698 62
1997 165.390 151.700 3.425 228
1998 173.673 148.817 7.388 336
1999 184.973 145.769 12.192 494 81
2000 196.336 141.330 17.018 699 2.591
2001 196.528 139.300 17.379 749 10.618
2002 187.999 132.353 15.988 789 23.484
Skýring Note: Tölur nálgast að sýna fjölda númera í almenna símanetinu. Figures approach showing telephone numbers in use in thefixed network.
1 Samtala er fengin með því að leggja saman notendalínur í fastaneti, ISDN grunntengingar (sinnum tveir) og ISDN stofntengingum (sinnum 30 að hámarki).
Totals arefound by adding the number of standard lines, ISDN basics and ISDN primaries (as multiplied with two and 30 max, respectively).
2 Háhraða Nettengingar, s.s. ADSL. Digital subscriber connections, e.g. ADSL, etc.
Heimildir Sources: Hagstofa íslands (upplýsingar símafyrirtækjanna) og Póst- og fjarskiptastofnun (upplýsingar símafyrirtækjanna). Statistics Iceland
(information from the telecommunication companies) and the Post and Telecommunication Administration (information from the telecommunication