Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 47
Media and Culture 2003
such as the publication of children’s books, textbooks,
audiobooks, book sales, imports of books and reading.
The figures forpublishedbooks include neitherbrochures,
i.e. works of four pages or less in size, nor various other
minor publications, such as annual reports of enterprises
and institutions, or works which foreign parties have had
printed in Iceland.
V7. Public libraries. The Ministry of Education, Science
and Culture handles collection of data on the activities of
public libraries, including libraries in seniors’ homes,
hospitals and prisons. The chapter includes information on
the holdings of libraries, their lending and registered
membership by library district, disposable funding and
operating expenditure of the libraries, as well as various
miscellaneous information, such as access of library visitors
to computers, new media and the Internet, and usage of
public libraries according to surveys.
VII. Newspapers. The material in this chapter is collected
from various sources including the annual accounts and
data of the newspapers themselves, reports submitted by
publishers to Statistics Iceland and a variety of printed
sources. The material is limited almost exclusively to the
publication of daily newspapers and non-daily newspapers.
Papers published less frequently are generally omitted.
Figures are given on the number of papers issued, number
of pages, distribution, number of publishing locations,
revenue, newspapers online and readership of individual
newspapers. In presenting the statistics paid-for papers are
distinguished from papers distributed for free, and non-
daily papers are broken down into national, regional and
local papers. The distribution of daily newspapers and
advertising income is partly estimated based on publishers’
annual accounts.
VIII. Magazines and periodicals. The contents of this
chapter deal with periodicals issued from 1965 onwards.
The chapter includes figures on the number of periodicals
by frequency of publication and contents, and imports of
periodicals and newspapers by the main countries of import.
Figures are published on the circulation of some of the
principal consumer magazines from 1992 onwards, as well
as some trade and technical magazines and periodicals from
1997 onwards, based on information from the publisher.
There are also the results of media surveys on readership of
individual periodicals.
IX. Sound recordings. The contents of this chapter cover
published sound recordings with a breakdown by type and
subject from 1979 onwards and the sale of sound recordings
1991-2001, as well as various other related material. Total
sales are based on the estimated market shares of publishers
participating in supervision of copies produced of the
Icelandic Group of IFPI. Figures are given for the publication
and sales of sound recordings and their distribution by
publisher and distributor. The chapter also includes figures
on the highest-sellinglcelandic and foreign soundrecordings
in recent years, as well as material on listening audiences of
sound recordings based on surveys.
X. Films and cinemas. The chapter includes information
on activities of cinemas, attendance, the nationality of films
premiered, Icelandic films, film festivals and special
showings, showings of and attendance at children’s and
family films, films according to subject and permitted
viewer age classifications and the box office leaders in
recent years.
Prior to 1965 no information is available on cinema
attendance, with the exception of attendance figures in
Reykjavík from 1928-1951. Information on Icelandic films
includes only full-length feature films, as reliable
information is lacking on the production of short films and
documentaries. Continuous information on the number of
films screened by origin is not available prior to 1996. The
same is true concerning the nationality of films shown in
film festivals and special showings, as information here
only reaches back to the year 2000.
XI. Video. Figures are given for the numbers of video
cassettes and DVDs issued for the rental and sales market
with a breakdown by nationality and distribution. Figures
on the number and value of rental videos and retail videos
sold are estimated on the basis of consumption surveys and
sales figures from publishers and distributors.
Information is also provided on the classification of films
according to permitted viewer age and subject matter, on
the issuing and distribution of children and family films, on
video rentals, privately owned VCRs and DVDs, and the
highest selling rental and retail videos.
XII. Radio. Continuous statistical data on radio usage are
available from the beginning of radio service by Icelandic
National Broadcasting in 1930, as well as on the programme
length and programming contents from 1932 and 1936
respectively. On the other hand, there is little information
on the breakdown of programming content from other
stations until very recently.
In addition, information is given on the location of
stations around the country, their operators, income from
advertising and sponsors, licence fee developments and on
radio audiences based on media surveys. Information on
privately operated radio stations is only available from
stations with long-term broadcasting licences awarded by
the Broadcasting Rights Committee. Stations authorised
for school broadcasts or for special occasions are not
mentioned here. The same applies to stations broadcasting
only irregularly and stations which merely relay the
programming of other stations.
XIII. Television. This chapter contains figures on the
number of television viewers from 1967, on the number of
television broadcasters who have held long-term broad-
casting licences, broadcasting time broken down according
to content and nationality, the proportion of original and
rebroadcast programming, children and y outh programming,
relying of foreign television programming, income of
television stations from advertising and sponsors, television
licence fee development, access to text television, the reach
of television and accessories in households and television
viewing according to stations.
XIV. Broadcasting media. The contents of this chapter
are summary figures on broadcasting (i.e. radio and
television), such as employees, income and broadcasting
on the Internet. There is also a comparison of the obligations,
responsibilities and rights of public service broadcasting
and private stations under current laws and regulations.
XV. PCs, Internet and new media. The material in this