Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 48
Media and Culture 2003
chapter deals primarily with the penetration of computers
and accessories and Internet in households and individual
access to and use of such new media. The distribution and
use of information technology in enterprises and institutions
is not included in the discussion here, nor is the general
structure of IT. Access by individuals to computers and
their accessories in households and elsewhere is based on
consumption surveys from 1994 onwards. There is also
information on the penetration and use of the Internet, sales
and distribution of computer games and game consoles, as
well as other material.
XVI. Advertising and sponsorship. Figures are given here
on advertising revenues of media during the period 1995-
2001, advertising expenditure in the media from 1996-
2002, sponsorship, the most advertised types of goods and
services and advertising expenditure to newspapers by type
of advertisement. There is also an account of the number of
enterprises in advertising and related operations in recent
XVII. Telecommunications. In recent years, tele-
communications services have changed enormously. New
services have appeared in the wake of technological
innovations and exclusive rights to telecommunications
and operation of telecommunications systems have been
repealed in most European countries. At the beginning of
1998, provisions on exclusive rights were repealed in
Iceland and new parties appeared on the market for
telecommunications systems and services.
This chapter includes information on main telephone
lines in the fixed telephone network and the breakdown
between residential and non-residential lines, access
channels and high-speed connections and subscriptions,
number of mobile telephone subscriptions (GSM and NMT),
and telephone traffic in the fixed and mobile networks. In
addition, there is information on telecommunications
operators and the market shares of dominant parties in the
telecom market. There are also figures on the household
penetration of telephones and mobile phones based on
consumption surveys.
XVIII. Performing arts. This section gives an account of
activities of theatres, professional acting companies and
amateur companies. There is information on the number of
stages and seating capacity of theatres, works presented by
type and nationality of author, number of presentations and
attendance, children’s theatre productions and productions
abroad, as well as the productions with the highest attendance
in recent years.
It has proved more of a problem to gather reliable and
continuous data on the activities of professional theatre groups,
as many of them are short-lived and their activities generally
irregular. Attendance at their productions is estimated until the
year 2000/01, when information on their activities becomes
more comprehensive than before. Continuous information on
the activities of amateur theatre companies, on the other hand,
is available ffom 1980 onwards.
Student productions are not included in the statistics on
theatre productions. The same applies to theatre productions
especially intended for foreign visitors to Iceland, as well as
productions intended specifically for radio and television
XIX. Visual arts. The information published here comes
from the database of the Icelandic Information Centre for
Visual Arts on the number of visual art exhibitions, both
one-person exhibitions and group shows, in Iceland and
abroad during the period 1980-2002. These figures are not
exhaustive. In addition. there is a summary of visual art
exhibitionsinlcelandduringtheperiod 1985-1991 compiled
through tallying of critical discussion in newspapers during
the period in question.
XX. Music. There is no organised data collection on
concerts and recitals in Iceland. Figures published here are
on concerts held in 1995 and 1999. There is a breakdown
according to type of concert, area of the country, month and
quarter. There is a summary of concerts and attendance at
concerts of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra from 1965 to
2002, with some omissions, and the North Iceland Symphony
Orchestra from 1995, as well as other data related to music
and musical performances.
XXI. Museums, aquariums, zoosandgardens. Thischapter
deals with museums, centres and gardens. It uses the
definition of the Intemational Council of Museums (ICOM)
as to what is considered a museum, and excludes national
parks, sites of natural and archaeological interest, and
institutions which are especially concerned with
conservation. The defmition accordingly includes permanent
institutions, collecting physical evidence of man and his
environment, which are open to the public, including
scientific centres, parks and zoos. It was considered
inadvisable in this instance to follow a strict interpretation
of the ICOM definition, since it is clear that a considerable
portion of those activities considered as museums in the
mind of the general public would not fulfil the conditions it
sets. This applies especially to the demands made concerning
professional expertise in activities and cataloguing of
museum artefacts. As a result, various operations more
closely related to exhibitions than actual museums are also
included here.
This chapter includes an account of museums and parks
by type and area of the country, number of visitors,
exhibitions, employees, special exhibits, entrance charges.
XXII. Associations of media people and artists. This
includes, for instance, information on the number of members
in various organisations of artists and media personnel with
a breakdown by gender, as well as information on the year
of establishment of the association in question.
XXIII. The Icelandic Press Council operates under the
auspices of the Union of Icelandic Joumalists. This section
gives a survey of rulings by the Council from 1985 to the
end of 2002 by the type of violation and type of media
XXIV. Cultural funds. This is an account of rightholders’
payments to artists, contributions to cultural funds and
grants made from them.1
1 A survey of the regulatory framework of cultural funds and
cultural institutions is available from the Ministry of Education,
Science and Culture, Culture: the arts, the national cultural
heritage, broadcasting, language policy, sport, youth activities