Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 142
Hljóðrit Sound recordings
Tafla 9.8. Dreifendur útgefínna hljóðrita 1991-2000
Table 9.8. Distributors of sound recordings released 1991-2000
Alls Aðrir3
Total Japis Skífan' Spor1'2 Others3
Fjöldi titla Number of titles 1991 128 1 22 42 63
1992 140 4 25 58 53
1993 154 28 32 35 59
1994 177 36 32 47 62
1995 195 46 38 27 84
1996 217 53 25 45 94
1997 198 31 32 30 105
1998 196 33 47 20 96
1999 191 27 58 • 106
2000 203 27 78 • 98
Hlutfallsleg skipting, % Percent distribution
1991 100,0 0,8 17,2 32,8 49,2
1992 100,0 2,9 17,9 41,4 37,9
1993 100,0 18,2 20,8 22,7 38,3
1994 100,0 20,3 18,1 26,6 35,0
1995 100,0 23,6 19,5 13,8 43,1
1996 100,0 24,4 11,5 20,7 43,3
1997 100,0 15,7 16,2 15,2 53,0
1998 100,0 16,8 24,0 10,2 49,0
1999 100,0 14,1 30,4 . 55,5
2000 100,0 13,3 38,4 • 48,3
Skýring Note: Aðeins titlar útgefnir á árinu. Only titles released in the year.
1 Skífan yfirtók rekstur Spors með samruna haustið 1998. Spor was taken over by Skífan through a merger in autumn 1998.
2 Spor og fyrirrennari þess Steinar, ásamt undirútgáfum. Spor and its forerunner Steinar and side labels.
3 Skífan og Spor dreifðu í sameiningu þremur titlum útgefnum á árinu 1995, sjö titlum 1996, tíu titlum 1997 og níu titlum 1998þ Skífan andSpor distributed
jointly three titles released in the year 1995, seven titles 1996, tentitles 1997 and nine titles 1998.
Heimildir Sources: Landsbókasafn Islands - Háskólabókasafn (Islensk hljóðritaskrá) og Hagstofa íslands. National and University Library of Iceland
(Bibliography of lcelandic Sound Recordings) and Statistics Iceland.
[T 9.8. 1990-2000]
Mynd 9.4.
Figure 9.4.
Dreifendur hljóðrita 2000 eftir fjölda útgefínna titla. Hlutfallsleg skipting,%
Sound recordings distributors 2000 by number of releases. Percent distribution
Skífan 3S%