Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 302
Sjónvarp Television
Tafla 13.52. Útbreiðsla sjónvarps og fylgihluta á heimilum 1991-2002. Hlutfall, %
Table 13.52. Penetration of television, teletext, cable TV and satellite dishes in the home 1991-2002, %
Sjónvarp Television
Alls Total Eitt viðtæki One receiver Tvö eða fleiri viðtæki Two or more receivers Textavarp Teletext Kapalsjónvarp Cable TV' Endurvarp um loftnet2 Terrestrial relay2 Gervihnatta- diskur Dish antennas
1991 • 4,0 • 4,0
1993 23,2 60,0
1994 98,0 25,6 60,0 4,2
1995 97,4 35,0 5,0 65,0 4,4
1996 97,0 43,5 17,0 67,0 5,1
1997 97,6 50,8 46,8 56,1 21,0 67,0 5,5
1998 97,6 50,1 47,5 67,4 28,0 67,0 3,3
1999 74,6 30,0 67,0
2000 97,9 51,8 46,1 83,4 33,0 68,0 7,8
2001 97,2 52,5 44,8 83,8 34,0 68,0 5,5
2002 96,8 86,4 5,7
Skýringar Notes: Upplýsingamar em ekki fyllilega sambærilegar milli ára. Skáletraðar tölur vísa til hlutfalls af heimilum, annars til hlutfalls af mannfjölda,
%. The figures are not strictly comparable between years due to dijferent survey methods, age ofsamples and wording of questions. Figures in italics refer
to share of households, otherwise as share of population, %.
1 Aætlað hlutfall heimila sem sjónvarpskapall hefur verið lagður í. Aætlaðar tölur. Estimated share of households passed.
2 Aætlað hlutfall heimila sem geta náð útsendingu endurvarps - ekki hlutfall heimila með áskrift. Estimated share of households which can receive the
transmissions - not the share of subscribing households.
Heimildir Sources: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands (Neyslukannanir, 1994-1998), Hagstofa íslands (Neyslukannanir, 1995, 2000-2001 og Könnun
á notkun heimila á tæknibúnaði og Intemeti, 2002), ÍM Gallup (Fjölmiðlakannanir, 1999-2002), Landssími íslands (óútgefnar upplýsingar), og Nordisk
statistisk skriftserie, 1993: 62 (Kulturvanor i Norden). Social Science Research Institute Research Institute at the University of Iceland (Consumer Surveys,
1994-1998), Statistics Iceland (Household Budget Surveys, 1995, 2000-2001 and ICT Survey, 2002), ÍM Gallup (Media Surveys, 1999-2002), Iceland
Telecom (unpublished information) and Statistical Reports ofthe Nordic Countries, 1993: 62 (Culture Activities in the Nordic Countries).
[T 13.52. 1985/1986, 1988, 1990-1991, 1993-2002]
Tafla 13.53. Sjónvarpstæki á heimilum 2000-2001. Hlutfall af heimilum, %
Table 13.53. Television receiver ownership in households 2000-2001. Share of households, %
Alls Sjónvarp á heimili 7V set in Eitt Tvö Þrjú Fjögur Fimm Ekkert
Total home One Two Three Four Five None
Öll heimili
All Households
2000 100,0 97,9 51,8 34,6 9,0 2,3 0,3 2,1
200 T 100,0 97,3 52,5 30,7 10,1 3,3 0,7 2,7
Aðeins heimili með sjónvarp Only households having TV 2000 100,0 • 52,9 35,3 9,2 2,3 0,3
200 T 100,0 • 53,9 31,6 10,4 3,4 0,7 •
Skýring Note: Heimili þar sem sá sem lenti í úrtaki var á aldrinum 18-74 ára. Households with respondents ofthe age 18-74 years.
1 Bráðabirgðatölur. Preliminary data.
Heimild Source: Hagstofa íslands (Neyslukannanir, 2000-2001). Statistics Iceland (Household Budget Surveys, 2000-2001).