Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 34
Figure 15.2. Access to PCs in March 2001. Share of population, %.................................................. 318
Figure 15.3. Access to the Internet 1995-2002. Share of population, %............................................. 318
Figure 15.4. Average Internet use by sex 1999-2001 in hours per week.............................................. 323
Figure 15.5. Internet hosts 1991-2003 per 1,000 inhabitants. January.............................................. 327
Figure 15.6. Release of multi-media content and other off-line products 1991-2000................................. 329
Figure 15.7. Units shipped of computer games 2000-2001 .................................................................... 332
Advertising and sponsorship
Figure 16.1. Advertising revenue by kind of media 1996 and 2001. Percent distribution............................. 335
Figure 16.2. Advertising media expenditure per capita 1996-2002............................................................ 336
Figure 16.3. Advertising media expenditure 2002. Percent distribution...................................................... 337
Figure 16.4. Classified and display advertising expenditure in newspapers 1996-2002. Percent distribution.................. 348
Figure 17.1. Main telephone lines in the fixed telephone network and cellular telephone subscriptions
1991-2002 per 1,000 inhabitants..................................................................... 351
Figure 17.2. Telephone in the home by type 1994-2002, %.................................................................... 357
Performing arts
Figure 18.1. Theatres and theatre groups 1994-2002 ........................................................................ 360
Figure 18.2. Performances of theatres and theatre groups 2001/2002......................................................... 360
Figure 18.3. Spectators of theatres and theatre groups 1994—2002 .......................................................... 360
Figure 18.4. Attendance at theatres and theatre groups per capita 1994-2002................................................ 362
Figure 18.5. Theatre productions by origin of authors 1991-2002 ........................................................... 365
Figure 18.6. Theatre spectators 1991-2002 by art form of productions....................................................... 367
Figure 18.7. Theatre spectators by art form of productions 1991-2002. Percent distribution................................. 368
Figure 18.8. Theatre spectators by origin of authors 1991-2002 ............................................................ 370
Figure 18.9. Theatre spectators by origin of authors 1991-2002. Percent distribution....................................... 371
Figure 18.10. Professional theatre groups and number of productions 1991-2002.............................................. 373
Figure 18.11. Amateur theatre groups and number of productions 1991-2002................................................... 378
Figure 18.12. Spectators at performances of amateur theatres 1991-2002 .................................................... 379
Figure 18.13. Visitors to the theatre and the opera 1991 and 1994—1998. Share of population, %.................... 381
Visual arts
Figure 19.1. Visual art exhibitions 1985-1991 ............................................................................. 383
Figure 19.2. Exhibitions by Icelandic visual artists 1991-2000............................................................. 385
Figure 19.3. Visitors to visual arts exhibitions 1991 and 1994-1999. Share of population, %................................ 387
Figure 20.1. Concerts by type of music 1995 and 1999....................................................................... 389
Figure 20.2. Concerts per 1,000 inhabitants 1995 and 1999 by regions....................................................... 391
Figure 20.3. Audiences to public domestic concerts of the Icelandic and the North Iceland Symphony
Orchestra 1995-2002................................................................................. 393
Figure 20.4. Classical-concert goers 1991 and 1994-1998. Share of population, %............................................ 393
Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens
Figure 21.1. Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1991-2001 ............................................................... 399
Figure 21.2. Museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens by regions 2001 ..................................................... 400
Figure 21.3. Visitors to museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1995-2001.................................................. 403
Figure 21.4. Visitors to museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 2001 by kind. Percent distribution......................... 403
Figure 21.5. Visitors to museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 2001 by regions. Percent distribution...................... 403
Figure 21.6. Domestic and foreign visitors to museums, aquariums, zoos and gardens 1996-2001. Percent distribution 406
Figure 21.7. Museum visitors 1991 and 1994-1998. Share of population, %.................................................... 416
Associations of media people and artists
Figure 22.1. Members of associations of journalists and graphic designers 1995-2002......................................... 417
Figure 22.2. Members of associations of journalists by sex 1995-2002. Percent distribution................................. 419
Cultural funds
Figure 24.1. Honorary artists stipends 1991 -2003 by gender................................................................ 427
International comparisons
Figure 25.1. Books published in the Nordic countries per 1,000 inhabitants 1995 and 2001 .................................. 435
Figure 25.2. Book loans by public libraries per capita in the Nordic countries 1990, 1995 and 1999/2000.................... 436
Figure 25.3. Daily radio reach in the Nordic countries 1993, 1995 and 2000/2001, %......................................... 445
Figure 25.4. Share of households in the European Economic Area with access to the Internet in November 2001, % .. 455
Figure 25.5. Museum visits per capita in the Nordic countries 2000/2001 .................................................... 459