Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Blaðsíða 209
Myndbönd og mynddiskar Video
Tafla 11.18. Sala sölumyndbanda á útgefendastigi eftir uppruna 1996-2001
Table 11.18. Sale ofretail VHSs at distributor level by origin 1996-2001
Magn Hlutfallsleg skipting, %
Volume Percent distribution
Alls Innlend Erlend Alls Innlend Erlend
Total Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign
Seld eintök Units sold 1996 94.849 5.376
1997 105.799 2.665
1998 149.586 16.011
1999 159.983 11.876
2000 189.562 14.969
2001 159.201 9.526
Andvirði seldra
eintaka í þús. kr.1 Revenue in thous. ISK.'
1996 101.335 5.224
1997 103.813 2.159
1998 144.279 7.574
1999 155.252 10.178
2000 192.565 17.394
2001 165.878 7.817
89.473 100,0 5,7 94,3
103.134 100,0 2,5 97,5
133.575 100,0 10,7 89,3
148.107 100,0 7,4 92,6
174.593 100,0 7,9 92,1
149.675 100,0 6,0 94,0
96.111 100,0 5,2 94,8
101.654 100,0 2,1 97,9
136.705 100,0 5,2 94,8
145.074 100,0 6,6 93,4
175.172 100.0 9,0 91,0
158.061 100,0 4,7 95,3
Skýring Note: Tölur fyrir 1996-1998 vísa einvörðungu til sölu af titlum útgefnum á árinu. Figures 1996-1998 refer only to sales oftitles released in the
1 ÁnVSK. Excluding VAT.
Heimild Source: Hagstofa íslands (upplýsingar útgefenda). Statistics Iceland (information from distributors).
Tafla 11.19. Sala leigumynddiska á útgefendastigi eftir uppruna 1998-2001
Table 11.19. Sale ofrental DVDs at distributor level by origin 1998-2001
Magn Volume Hlutfallsleg skipting, % Percent distribution
AUs Total Innlend Domestic Erlend Foreign Alls Total Innlend Domestic Erlend Foreign
Seld eintök Units sold
1998 576 576 100,0 100,0
1999 1.670 1.670 100,0 100,0
2000 5.897 5.897 100,0 100,0
2001 6.314 17 6.297 100,0 0,3 99,7
Andvirði seldra
eintaka í þús. kr.1
Revenue in thous. ISK.1
1998 1.729 1.729 100,0 100,0
1999 5.000 5.000 100,0 100,0
2000 17.191 17.191 100,0 100,0
2001 23.850 38 23.813 100,0 0,2 99,8
1 Án VSK. Excluding VAT.
Heimild Source: Hagstofa íslands (upplýsingar útgefenda). Statistics Iceland (information from distributors).