Ársrit um starfsendurhæfingu - 2021, Side 38

Ársrit um starfsendurhæfingu - 2021, Side 38
Heimildir 1. Modini M, Tan L, Brinchmann B, et al. Supported employment for people with severe mental illness: systematic review and metaanalysis of the international evidence. Br J Psychiatry 2016; 209: 14–22. 2. Bond GR, Drake RE, Pogue JA. Expanding Individual Placement and Support to Populations With Conditions and Disorders Other Than Serious Mental Illness. Psychiatric services. 2019;70(6): 488-498 . 3. Sveinsdottir V, Lie SA, Bond GR, Eriksen HR, Tveito TH, Grasdal AL, Reme SE (2020). Individual placement and support for young adults at risk of early work disability (the SEED trial). A randomized controlled trial. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2020;46(1): 50-59. 4. The SEED-TRIAL http://www.seed-trial.com/ 5. #syktbrajobb https://www.nav.no/no/lokalt/ vestland/satsinger-og-aktiviteter/syktbrajobb 6. Fyhn T, Ludvigsen K, Reme SE, Schaafsma F. A structured mixed method process evaluation of a randomized controlled trial of individual Placement and Support (IPS). Implement Sci Commun, 2020;95. 7. Gunnhildur Kristjánsdóttir, Sigurlaug Lilja Jónasdóttir og Svandís Nína Jónsdóttir. Ungt fólk í starfsendurhæfingu. Ársrit VIRK. 2020;34-39. 8. Marsden J, Anders P, Clark H, et al. Protocol for a multi-centre, definitive randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of Individual Placement and Support for employment support among people with alcohol and drug dependence. Trials. 2020;21:167. 9. Bond G, Drake R, Pogue J, Marbacher J, Carpenter-Song E, Ressler D. The IPS young adult project: Helping Young adults succeed at work and school through IPS supported employment. https://ipsworks.org/index.php/ study/the-ips-young-adult-project-helping- young-adults-succeed-at-work-and-school- through-ips-supported-employment/ 10. IPSCenter Danmark https:// ipscenterdanmark.dk/ 11. Christensen TN, Wallström IG, Stenager E, et al. Effects of Individual Placement and Support Supplemented With Cognitive Remediation and Work-Focused Social Skills Training for People With Severe Mental Illness A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry. 2019;76(12):1232-1240. 12. Christensen TN, Kruse M, Hellström L, Eplov LF. Cost-utility and cost-effectiveness of individual placement support and cognitive remediation in people with severe mental illness: Results from a randomized clinical trial. European Psychiatry. 2021;64(1): e3, 1–9. 13. Karen Sturludóttir (2018). „Það er stór partur af lífinu að vera í vinnu“: Náms- og starfsferill ungmenna með alvarlega geðsjúkdóma og reynsla þeirra af IPS starfsendurhæfingu (óútgefin meistararitgerð). Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavík. 38 virk.is


Ársrit um starfsendurhæfingu

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