AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.09.2003, Blaðsíða 53

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.09.2003, Blaðsíða 53
www. tivoliaudio. com the roof frame from timber or bamboo and its cladding from straw, clay tiles or corrugated iron. The bamboo could only be used during a particular time of the year, where it grew. The same attitude governed the designing of the chicken-farming school near the town Kindia. The school was made up of three independent classrooms for 12 pupils, a dormitory wing and teachers' accommodation form- ing a ring around a courtyard. A fruit tree was planted in the cen- tre of the courtyard, specially chosen for growing speed and large crown intended to provide shadow for people sitting below in the cool shadow. All these buildings emphasise natural ventilation and an attempt was made to use building tech- nology available locally. A combi- nation of materials and spaces reflected the properties and fin- ishes of each part of the buildings and bore witness to the sensitivity of the architects and their attitude toward a culture totally different from their own. Mikko Heikkenen and Markku Komonen showed brave under- standing of the use of space and environment, taking into account the influence of the architecture on the land and those using it. In so sensitive an environment, where it is extremely important to preserve the equilibrium of Nature, they used local materials that did not appear to be unwel- come guests. They did not con- trast with the landscape and peo- ple enjoyed their nuances just like those of Nature when people gathered under the shadow of the trees or sat on the veranda and listened to the rustle of the leaves in the warm evening breeze. Experiences are connect- ed to the buildings like any other material. ■ TIVOLIAUDIO HENRY KLOSS Þegar frábær hönnun og hugvit fara saman er útkoman TIVOLI útvarp. Lofað af fremstu hönnuðum og hljómtækjagagnrýnendum heims Tæki sem þú þarft aö eignast. TIVOLI MODEL ONE ÚTVARP í HÆSTA GÆÐAFLOKKI t ✓ L I F 5 iTIÐAREIGN # Einstakur móttakari « Frábær hljómgæði « 230v/12volt # Frábær hönnun # Afar einfalt í notkun # Hefur fengið bestu mebmæli í hönnunar-og fagtímaritum Útsölustaðir: Epal, Skeifunni 6, S.568 7733 I Kokka, Laugavegi 47, S.562 0808 Umboðsaðili. CM Laugvegi 68, S.551 7015 tU n ' 1 UI ^ríhöfnin/FlugstöS Leifs Eiríkssonar ®hV . . Arvirkinn Selfossi, Eyrarvegi 32, S. 480 1160 Heildsala/Smasala - S. 893 6515
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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