
Jökull - 01.01.2019, Page 44

Jökull - 01.01.2019, Page 44
Historical accounts of pre-eruption seismicity in Iceland Figure 4. Map of Hekla Volcano and surrounding regions. Data sources, see Figure 1. – Kort af Heklu og nánasta umhverfi. Gögn eru þau sömu og á 1. mynd. Heklugos mikið og var eldurinn uppi nærri 12 mánuði, . . . , en séttu nótt jóla veturinn eftir varð land- skjálfti svo mikill fyrir sunnan land að ofan féll bærinn á Skarði eystra og margir bæir aðrir (Thoroddsen, 1899). 1510: This rather large eruption began on July 25 with a violent phase and an earthquake that appears to have taken place at the same time (Thorarinsson, 1967). In Bishops’Annals is the following description from Skálholt (Figure 4) at a distance of 40 km from Hekla: „. . . að svo mikill jarðskjálfti og dynkur hefði komið, að þeir hugðu að allur staðurinn mundi hrapa í einu; þeir voru að borðum og hljóp hver maður út, . . . . . . en sem þeir komu út á hlaðið, þá var allt loftið glóanda að sjá sem það væri í einum loga . . . “ 1554: An eruption in the Hekla volcanic system, 10 km SW of the Hekla main edifice (Kjartansson, 1945; Thorarinsson, 1967; Pedersen et al., 2018), began in May or early June and lasted about six weeks. It was accompanied by a sequence of strong earthquakes that lasted two weeks, but their relation to the timing of the eruption is uncertain. 1597: An eruption began with an earthquake, immedi- ately followed by heavy ashfall, on January 3 (based on a contemporary description by bishop Oddur Ein- arsson in Skálholt (Thorarinsson, 1967)). It lasted at least 6 months. The bishop writes: „. . . um kvöldrökkurstíma, kom fyrst jarðskjálfti, svo mennn urðu fyrst varir við nokkra kippi bæði hér og annars staðar, og þar fylgdi með ógurlegt myrkur, . . . Í sama vetfangi gaus upp úr Heklu suðaustanverðri eldur og eisa með sandi og ösku. . . “ 1693: The eruption began on February 13 between 19 and 20h with an exceptionally violent phase and collapse of the NW flank. There were earthquakes as- sociated with the beginning phase, but no indications of them occurring before the first eruption was seen. Some of the descriptions even indicate that the felt shaking may have been induced by by low-frequency sound waves in the air [„Af þessu urðu svo miklar dunur, er allt umhverfið þrumaði og skalf. . . .“ (Thor- arinsson, 1968)]. The eruption lasted seven months, possibly as much as 101/2 months. 1725: An eruption began on April 2, in the morning, and was preceded by strong earthquakes. The earth- quakes were felt all through the night between April 1 and 2, and one farm, Haukadalur (Figure 4), was seriously damaged. The eruption was a fairly small eruption from a fissure near Hekla but not in the main edifice (Thorarinsson, 1967; Pedersen et al., 2018). JÖKULL No. 69, 2019 43
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