
Jökull - 01.01.2019, Page 59

Jökull - 01.01.2019, Page 59
Sgattoni et al. for the interpretation of the 2011 unrest episode and new seismicity. The seismic data of this catalogue were recorded by the Icelandic national seismic net- work (SIL) and the earthquake location obtained us- ing a 1D SIL-velocity model (Stefánsson et al., 1993). The permanent monitoring network around Mýrdals- jökull has been densified through time (Figure 3). The depth of the earthquakes is not well resolved, how- ever, most events appear to be located at shallow depth between 0 and 5 km (Vogfjörð and Slunga, 2008). The analysis of the catalogue shows significant changes through time in the seasonal patterns, size and location distribution of the persistent seismic- ity recorded at Katla since the 1970s (e.g. Einars- son and Brandsdóttir, 2000). Because the network configuration has improved through time, the magni- tude of completeness of the catalogue has also im- proved (lowered). Here we describe the seismicity above M=1 (for the two main clusters, Caldera and Goðabunga), which is presumably below the magni- tude of completeness for the whole time span we con- sider. However, the same features, albeit less pro- nounced, would also be seen by increasing this thres- hold to M=1.7, which is indicated as the magnitude of completeness of the Katla seismicity between 1993– 2006 by Jónsdóttir et al. (2007). We also point out that the changes we observe in the seismicity patterns do not coincide in time with changes in the network. The following are the main features of the seismicity at Katla during 1998–2015, (Figures 4 and 5): – The Goðabunga cluster was more active than the caldera until the first half of 2011, with around 11600 events with magnitude ML>1 compared to 3300 in- side the caldera. The most intense earthquake activity occurred during the 2000–2004 seismic crisis, after the 1999 unrest episode, when inflation was observed at Katla (Sturkell et al., 2008). – Increased seismicity at Goðabunga followed the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption. – Since July 2011, more earthquakes have occurred in the caldera than at Goðabunga, with 1610 events with ML>1 compared to 760 at Goðabunga. – The magnitude of the largest events at Goðabunga has been decreasing since 2009, with most events of ML<2 as of 2010. – The autumn seismicity peak of the Goðabunga clus- Figure 3. Earthquake locations (in blue) at Katla during 1998–2015 from the IMO catalogue. All events with magnitude ML>1 were selected for the caldera and Goðabunga seismic clusters, and events with MLML>ML0 for the southern flank seismicity. Black triangles: stations operating during the whole time period of each panel. Grey triangles: stations that were deployed later. Station "snb" in (c) was substituted by "lod" in 2013. – Skjálftastaðsetningar (bláir punktar) fyrir þrjú tímabil 1998–2015, gögn frá Veðurstofu Íslands. Fyrir skjálfta innan öskjunnar og vestan Goðabungu eru eingöngu sýndir skjálftar með ML > 1. Fyrir þyrpinguna við Gvend- arfell eru sýndir skjálftar með ML > 0. Svartir þríhyrningar: Skjálftamælistöðvar sem gengu allt tímabilið sem sýnt er á kortinu. Gráir þríhyrningar: Stöðvar sem settar voru upp síðar. Stöðinni "snb" var skipt út fyrir "lod" árið 2013. 58 JÖKULL No. 69, 2019
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