
Jökull - 01.01.2019, Page 67

Jökull - 01.01.2019, Page 67
Sgattoni et al. composition of the water discharged (Wynn et al., 2015). Seasonal variations in the glacial-geothermal system may be responsible for these summer peaks, as suggested by Wynn et al. (2015). However, in the 1955, 1999 and 2011 unrest episodes, the jökulhlaups have been particularly catastrophic and have been ac- companied by an increased seismicity rate and occa- sionally by tremor (in 1999 and 2011), indicating a more dramatic change in the volcanic/geothermal sys- tem than usual. The 2011 unrest was associated with increased heat released by the volcano as indicated by the wa- ter accumulation under the glacier that started a year before (Guðmundsson et al., 2014). The tremor and sudden sinking of ice cauldrons and jökulhlaup that occurred in July 2011 may have been due to a geother- mal event, a volcanic (magmatic) event such as a sub- glacial eruption or a combination of the two, such as a shallow magma intrusion leading to increased geothermal activity. It is not straightforward to draw conclusions about whether a subglacial eruption oc- curred. According to Galeczka et al. (2015), the chemical analysis of floodwater does not show evi- dence that the water came into contact with magma. The analysis of the tremor conducted by Sgattoni et al. (2017) suggests that most of the signal is associ- ated with volcano-related processes occurring at the sites of the active cauldrons and an additional small portion of the signal is associated with the flood it- self. The duration of the tremor and the inferred flood velocity are consistent with the tremor burst having been generated by boiling phenomena and/or explo- sions induced by the water release from the hydrother- mal system. This would imply that a geothermal source may have sufficed to generate the tremor and the flood, with no need for a magmatic event. How- ever, the notable increase of seismic activity inside the caldera that continued for months after the jökul- hlaup is hardly consistent with an exclusively geother- mal event and may indicate that the unrest did involve magma, although no eruptive products were identified (Sgattoni et al., 2017). Concerning this, it must be noted that, in a subglacial volcano like Katla, small eruptions may escape the geological and historical records because they are concealed by the glacier. In addition to the tremor and increased caldera seismicity, the 2011 unrest marked also the activa- tion of a new seismic source on the southern flank. Sgattoni et al. (2016b) suggested that this seismicity may be associated with a shallow hydrothermal sys- tem activated in association with the unrest episode, although no direct evidence of hydrothermal activ- ity was found. However, a possible connection to magmatic processes cannot be ruled out. The ge- ological study of the Gvendarfell area demonstrated that the southern flank of Katla acted as the locus of both tectonic activity and flank eruptions fed by ra- dial dykes outside the caldera during its pre-Holocene (to recent?) history. We have identified two areas of magma ascent, corresponding to the Gvendarfell ridge and the Gæsavatn lake, which indicates that volcanic activity has already occurred close to the area where the current south-flank seismicity is recorded. There- fore, it cannot be excluded that the Gvendarfell seis- mic cluster is related to renewed eruptive processes. The lava bodies of silicic composition exposed in the Gvendarfell area are comparable in size to the volume occupied by the hypocenter distribution that was ob- tained from relative location (Sgattoni et al., 2016a). Thus, the intrusion of a similar lava body should be taken into account as a possible source for the seismic events, but clearly the depth of intrusion will signifi- cantly influence the nature of associated geophysical signals. As demonstrated by Krafla central volcano, rhyolitic intrusion depths may vary from kilometres (e.g. the rhyolitic magma intercepted by IDDP-1 bore- hole at Krafla at a depth of 2.1 km; Elders et al., 2011) to superficial intrusions beneath ice only tens of me- tres in thickness (Tuffen and Castro, 2009). Our reconstruction has profound implications on Katlas’s hazard potential. We in fact observed that both basaltic and rhyolitic volcanic activity outside of the caldera seems controlled by radial dykes that can cause flank eruptions of different compositions. Moreover, activity in the caldera (likely controlled by magma ascent along the ring faults) can be con- nected to or trigger activity outside the caldera, as ob- served in 2011. Inside the caldera, any surface ac- tivity (geothermal or magmatic) is influenced by ice, while magma transport to the flank can lead to sub- 66 JÖKULL No. 69, 2019
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