Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - 01.08.2022, Page 15

Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - 01.08.2022, Page 15
PINKICELAND.IS DESTINATION WEDDINGS TRAVEL PLANNING & FOR 10 YEARS LO VE CELEBRATING WE ARE A VALUES BASED COMPANY OWNED AND RUN BY MEMBERS OF THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY. WE STRIVE FOR EQUALITY, RESPECT, HONESTY, SUSTAINABILITY & KINDNESS. WE HOPE YOU DO TOO* *that basically means that if you're racist, sexist or queer- phobic we can't work with you. also, if this applies to you please seek help immediately! Vellíðan nemenda er grundvöllur að árangri þeirra í námi


Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík

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