Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 114

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 114
118 ETYMOLOGICAL NOTES are all too susceptible to unpredictable out- side influences which can play havoc with neogrammarian principles - as like as not some such influence is responsible for the unexplained form of Icel. smári (above) at odds with Common Scand. smæra. There is yet another aspect of this matter which supports our general position. Follow- ing Grimm, Kleine Schriften ii, 121, Bugge draws attention to a Gualish term for clover: trifolium ... gallice dicitur uisumarus’, comparing it with Ir. seamar. The sourse is a medical handbook composed c. 400 by Mar- cellus of Bordeaux. Whereas the termination -us is, of course, due to Latin (rendering -os if the Proto-Celtic ending survived), any analysis of the rest of the word can, in our view, only be tentative. But should the word be a compound, dividing as ui-sumarus, as Grimm and Bugge supposed, then affinity with Ir. seamar will not be disputed, which would mean that the term once existed in P- Centic as well. However that may be, the mere mention of clover in this source speaks for its esteem in popular medicine. This can- not fail to remind one that shamrock, too, has a special place in Irish folklore; not for nothing will it have become a symbol of Ireland. Such testimony to the significant role of the plant in the practices of the Celtic peoples reinforces what has already been said about its economic importance and the conclusion drawn therefrom. Ælabogi m. ’rainbow’ There is, of course, no doubt about the for- mal structure of this word, but the literal meaning ’shower bow’ is unique among Scandinavian languages which generally speak of a ’rainbow’, as ON regnbogi and its descendants; this is the usual concept in other Germanic languages, too. How is the exceptional Faroese formation to be ac- counted for? It is well known that, in the Viking age, there were connections between the Faroes and the then Gaelic-speaking world in Ire- land and especially Scotland. These connec- tions led to the introduction into Faroese of a number of gaelic words: for a general review see Chr. Matras, »írsk orð í føroyskum«, Álmanakki 1966, 22-32. In the present case we also find a comparaable con- nection. The Gaelic languages have various terms for ’rainbow’, but the literal meaning is commonly ’shower bow’, thus Irish ogha ceatha, Scottish bogha frois (or froise). A further Irish term is tuar ceatha lit. ’shower portent’, while bogha báistí lit. ’rainbow’ may be due to English influence. But certain it is that the concept ’shower’ is predominant and indigenous. It is not possible to state ex- actly how old these terms are, but bogha it- selff is a loan from ON bogi (Marstrander, Bidrag til det norske Sprogs Historie i Irland (1915), 59, 127). The expression ’shower bow’ occurs, however, in the British Isles at a much earlier date, namely in a single attestation of OE scurboga from the poetical paraphrase known as Genesis A (text scurbogan acc., line 1540). The ms. is dated to 1000 or a little later, but the poem itself is older. It is similar in style to the famous Beowulf epic, which has drawn on it (A.N. Doane, Genesis A (1978), passim). Thanks to recent archaeo- logical evidence Beowulf, previously thought to have been composed c. 725, can now be dated to the second half of the seventh cen- tury (M. Lehnert, Beowulf (1986), 5), with obvious consequences for the dating of Gen- esis A. It has for long been held that the
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