Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1998, Síða 92
1. John F.West (editor), The Jourtials of llte Stattley Expedition to the Faroc Islattds attd Icelattd
itt 1789, I. Introduction attd Diary of James Wright (Tórshavn, 1970); II. Diary of Isaac S.
Benners (Tórshavn, 1975); og III. Diary of Johtt Baitte (Tórshavn, 1976). John F. West
(útg.), Islattdsleiðangur Stanleys 1789. Ferðabók. Steindór Steindórsson þýddi
([Reykjavík], 1979).
2. West (1970), bls. 131. Idem (1979), bls. 159.
3. Loc. cit.
4. Ibid., bls. 160.
5. Idem (1970), bls. 131.
6. Ibid., bls. 205, í 194. tilvitnun. Til frekari fróðleiks skulu hér tilfærðar frásagnir Wright,
Benners og Baine af silfurskrautkeri stiftamtmanns og athöfnum leiðangursmanna
tengdum því að afloknum kvöldverði um borð í John þennan untrædda sunnudag.
Wright segir svo frá í ibid., bls. 132:
... After Supper Mr. S. got Mr. Stephansons present wc. Itolds 3/4ths of a Bottle, ftlled ivith
witte, in which he proposcd Itis Fathers healtli - we plcdged him heartily - & particularly the
Capt. & Mr. B. did due honour to thc Baronet - & likewise to his lady & daughtersl!
Benners segir frá, í ident (1975), bls. 142:
... Mr. Stanley got a beautiful Urne - & several other presents frottt Mr. Stcphenson The Urne
was introduced after Supper & very much admired, we could do tto less than Christen it. - Thc
Captn.first proposed a buntper round in the Urne to the health of Sir Joltn Stanley as hc was the
principal Agent that enablcd his Son our present Mr. Stanley, in ajfording us this opportunity of
visititig Icelattd. Lady Stanley was of Course not neglected, And a Cheetful Buniper was also
dedicated to our worthy friend & bestower Amptnian Stevenson. Mr. Baitte entptied the Urtte
twice ftlled with Sherry, so did the noble Captn. & tny friend Crawford was not amiss in his
powcrs of Deglutition, & it did not rcquirc ttiatiy liours to tnake us very facetious & nterry..-
Baine segirfrá,í ident (1976), bls. 182-183:
... Mr. Stanley received a piece of Plate as a present frotn Mr. Stevcnson of curious Worknianship,
[183] it is a vase of Silver with part of it gilt and prcttily ornamented rottnd the head are 5 sto-
nes with the tiante of Mr. Stevensons Childn. and on the side his oum attd his Wifes in a contpt-
- It contains a.. upon it about half a bottle - Mr. Stanley drank his Fathers hcalth attd was
pledged by sotne of us to tlte bottom of the Cup in good Slterry. Next followed Lady Stanleys
health, and after that sotnc of tny friends as well as nty Self were very well qualifted to drink with
the Cham o/Tastary.
7. Sjá idem (1979), bls. 20, í inngangsorðum Steindórs Steindórssonar. Einnig AndreW
Wawn, .JohnThomas Stanley and Iceland," Scandinavian Studies, 53 (1981), bls. 66.
Johtt Thomas Stanley and Ólafur Stephensen exchange walking staffs
A Picture Showing an Episode frotn the Visit of John Thotnas Stanley to
Ólafttr Stephensen at Itmri-Hólmur Sunday 23 August 1789
The author discusses a picture illustrating an episode from the expedition ofJohnThoni-
as Stanley to Iceland 1789, executed in England 1790 or 1791 by the artist Edward