

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1960, Page 42

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1960, Page 42
142 NÁTTÚRUFRÆÐINGURINN — 1954. Nýjungar úr gróðurríki íslands. Náttiirufræðingurinn, 24: 22—30. Reykjavík. liasmussen, li. 1952. F0roya l'lora. 2. útgáva. Tórshavn. Slefánsson, Stefán 1891. Stutt yfirlit yfir gróðurfræðislegar rannsóknir á Islandi og rit um islenzkar plöntur. Skýrsla um Hið íslenzka náttúrufræðisfélag. Félagsárin 1890—1891. Reykjavík. Steindórsson, Sléindór 1948. Stefán Stefánsson: Flóra íslands. III. útg. aukin. Akureyri. Zoega, Johan 1772. Tilhang orn de Islandske Urter. Eggert Ólafsson og Bjarni Pálsson: Reise igiennem Island ect. Sor0e. SUMMARY Equisetum sylvaticum L. found in East Iceland hy Eythor Einarsson Museum of Natural History, Reykjavih. Most of the authors of papers and books on the flora of Iceland in the 18th and 19th century report Equisetum sylvaticum L. as found in Iceland (e.g. O. F. Muller, 1770; J. Zoega, 1772; S. Baring-Gould, 1863; G. C. Babington, 1871; Chr. Gronlund, 1874 and C. H. Ostenfeld, 1902). There are, however, no speci- mens in muesums in evidence of these finds. In 1925 this species was found in birch copses at Galtarhryggur in Heydalur, Mjóifjördur, Northwest Iceland (I. Oskarsson, 1927) and that is the first cer- lain find in Iceland. Until 1960 this locality was the only certain one for Equisetum sylvaticum U. in Iceland, but in this very year the author found the wood horsetail gro- wing in a grass vegetation in Sandvík, a little inlet just north of the cape dGerpir in East Iceland. Taking into consideration the distribution of the wood horsetail in N. Europe and N. America it seems very likely to the author, that there will be found more new localities for the species in Iceland in the nearest future. A new locality for Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. is reported from Breiddalur, East Iceland, i.e. just the same as the only Icelandic locality for Lycopodium xlavatum L.



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