Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Side 10
(DDT, DDD, DDE, alfa-beta- and gamma-
HCH, HCB and PCBs). The samples were
subjected to extraction with organic solvents
(acetone, toluene, petroleumbenzin) in
various mixtures, whether the extracts were
used for fat determination or for gas
chromatographic determination of thc
above mentioned organochlorine com-
pounds by a procedure perviously described.
Adequate blank samples (without fish flesh)
were also run. The results were expressed as
ng/g fat (the same was true for salmon fry).
DDT, DDD and thc bcta- and gamma-
isomers of HCH wcre not found in any
samples of trout, charr or salmon fry at all
(detection liinits 5—10 ng/g). DDE was
found around thc detection limit in charr
from Lakc Apavatn only. Greater amounts
were found in salmon fry from threc rivers.
In the trout and charr the levels of PCBs
appcared to be around the detection limit
(100 ng/g) or in the range of 100 — 200 ng/g.
In salmon fry from thrce rivers the amounts
of PCBs were somewhat higher or 200—400
l ablcs I and II show thc numbers of trout
and charr caught, fat pcrccntagc, body
weight and contents of HCB and alfa-HCH
determined in the fish from five lakes and
Lakc Apavatn, respectively. The levels of
IICB were similar in fish from all six lakes
(Table I) and similar amounts were also
found in salnion fry. In Lakc Apavatn thc
levels of alfa-HCH in charr (Table II) were
on an averge much higher than in fish from
the other lakes or in the salmon fry. The
charr from Lake Apavatn werc also signi-
ficanlly fatlcr than charr or trout from the
other lakes. It was thought unlikcly that the
high amounts of alfa-HCII were causally
rclated to the high fat content sincc the le-
vels of HCB were not increased.
It was concludcd from the results prc-
sented here, as well as from previous results
(Jóhannes Skaftason & Torkell Jóhannesson
1979b), that the levels of alfa-HCH, HCB
and PCBs in charr, trout and salmon fry in
Iceland, and possibly also DDE, arc thc re-
sult of global, airborne pollution, although
local pollution due to alfa-HCH might be a
contributory factor in somc localities.
Brouks, G. T. 1974a. Chlorinated insecticides,
Vol. I. CRC Prcss, Cleveland , Ohio.
Brooks, G. T. 1974b. Chlorinated insecti-
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unar á nokkrum klórsamböndum (skor-
dýraeitri) i fitu. Timarit um lyfjafræði
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1979a. Tilraun með notkun lindans
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fréttir nr. 55 (Almennt cfni nr. 26).
Jóhannes Skaftason & Þorkell Jóhannesson.
1979b. Organochlorine compounds
(DDT, hexachlorocyclohexane, hexa-
chlorobenzene) in Icelandic animal body
fat and buttcr fat: Local and global
sources of contamination. Acta pharma-
col. et toxicol. 44:156— 157.
Masahiro, O. & II. Takahisa. 1975. Alpha-
and gamma-BHC in Tokyo rainwater
(December 1968 to November 1969)
Environ. Pollut. 9:283-288.
Murphy, B. G. & /. V. Murphy. 1971. Corrcla-
tions between respiration and direct up-
lake of DDT in the mosquito fish (Gam-
busia affinis). Bull. Environ, Contam. &
Toxicol. 6:581-588.
Niimi, A. S. 1979. HexacKÍorobenzene (IICB)
lcvcls in Lake Ontario sammonids. Bull.
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Gascous. Their ocurrence, sources, and
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