

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Side 19

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Side 19
longa Ude. I garöbletlinum fannst auk þessara tegunda Dendrobaena rubida (Sav.). A. longa hefur ekki fundist á Is- landi áður. S U M M A R Y A study of earthworms in cultivated grassland in N-Iceland by Bjarni E. Guðleifsson and Rögnvaldur Ólafsson, Exþerimental Farm, Mörðuvellir, Hörgárdalur, Eyjafjörður, Iceland. Earthworms (Lurnbricidae) were collected three times from three hayfields and one lawn at the Experimental Farm, Mööru- vellir, Hörgárdalur, Eyjafjöröur, Northern- Iceland. One of the hayfields was on peat soil, another on sandy soil and the third one on silty soil. AU three hayfields were permanent grassland, cultivated many years ago, well drained with mixcd vegetation. In the lawn there were 6 species of earthworms, 5 species in the silty soil, 2 species in the sandy soil and no earthworms were detected in the peat soil. The most common earth- worm species in the heyfields are Lumbricus terrestris L. and Allolobophora caliginosa (Sav.) and less frequent are L. rubellus Hoffm., A. rosea (Sav.) and A. longa Ude. In addition to these species thc lawn contained Dendrobaena octaedra (Sav.). A. longa Ude has not been reported previously from Iceland. HEIMILDIR fíacklund, H. O. 1949. Oligochaeta 1. Lumbricidae. Zoology of Iceland 2. 20A: 1 — 15. Bengtson, S.-A.I., A. Nilsson, S. Nordström & S. Rundgren. 1975. Habitat selection of lumbricids in Iceland. Oikos 26: 253-263. Edwards, C. A. & J. R. Lofty. 1977. Biology of earthworms. London. 333 bls. Gates, G. E. 1972. Toward a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae IV. The trapezoides spccies group. Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Stn. no. 12, 146 bls. Guðbergsson, Grétar & Sigfús Ólafsson. 1978. Jarðvegskort af Mörðuvöllum í llörgár- dal. Fjölrit RALA nr. 16, 25 bls. Guild, W.J.McL. 1951. The distribution and population density of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in Scottish pasture fields. J. Anim. Ecol. 20: 88—97. Lmdroth, C. //., H. Andersson, H. Böðvarsson & S. II. Richler. 1973. Surtsey, Iceland. The development of a new fauna. Terrestrial invertebrates. Ent. Scand. Suppl. 5. Reynolds J. W. 1977. The earthworms (Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) of Ontario. Life Sci. Misc. Pub., R. Ont. Mus. 141 bls. Satchell, J. E. 1969. Methods of sampling earthworm populations. Pedobiologia 9: 20—25. Stöp-Bowitz, C. 1969. A contribution to our knowledge of the systematic and zoo- geography of Norwegian earthworms (Annelida Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Nytt Mag. Zool. 17: 169 — 280. Svendsen, J. A. 1957. The distribution of Lumbricidae in an area of Pennine moorland (Moor House Nature Re- serve). J. Anim. Ecol. 26: 411—421. 113



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