Andvari - 01.01.1886, Qupperneq 225
6. í „Tidskrift for Veterinærer“, III. b. Kmli. 1855, bls.
144—164: Fordöbig Indberetning til Ministeriet om Faare-
sygen i Island.
7. í „det kongelige Sundhodskollegiums Aarsberetnin-
ger“ er árlega skýrsla frá dr. Jóni Hjaltalín, eptir að hann
varð læknir á íslandi, hver skýrsla 2—3 blöð.
8. í „Ausland11, XLI. b., 1868, bls. 20: TJeber einen vulkan-
isclien Ausbruch auf Island.
9. í „Pertshire Advertiser or Strathmore Journal11, 26.
ágúst 1860: Becent eruption of the Kötlugjá Volcano, lce-
10. í „Edinburgh Medical Journal", VIII. b., 1863, bls.
214—233 : On the Disinfecting Treatment of Typhus, Erup-
tive and Enteric. — bls. 696—704: On the Epidemic Influ-
enzas of Iceland, especially tlie last one of 1862. — IX. b.,
2. p., 1864, bls. 969—993: Epidemic Pneumonia in Iceland,
in the year 1863. — X. b., 1. p., 1865, bls. 394—398: Afew
Words on tlie Evidence against thelnternal TJes of Mercury
in Sypliilis and other Diseases. — XI. b., 2. p. 1886, bls.
581—582: Note on the Rinderpest. — bls. 612—619: On the
Treatment of Virulent and Zymatic Diseases. — bls. 1020
—1024: Vital Statistics of lceland and Bcykjavik during
tlie Last Decennium. — XIII. b., bls. 137—140: On the
Treatment noic used against the Hydatid Disease in Iceland.—
XV. b., 2. p., 1870, bls. 673—680: Afew remarks on District-
PhysicianJohn Finsen's Contribution to our knowledge of the
Echinococci Endemic in Iceland.—XVII. b., 2. p., 1870,',bls.
710—717: Pythogenic Fever in Beykjavik, during the sum-
mer of 1871.
11. í „Journal of the Scottish Meteorologieal Society11,
n. r. XXVII, júli, Edinb. og London 1870, bls. 68—69:
Extract of a letter to R. M. Smith, Esq., on weather of Ice-
land during last summer.
12. í „Frocedings of the Royal Geographical Society11,
XII. b., London 1868, bls. 68—69: Great Eruption in lce-
land in August 1867. Extract of a letter to J. W. Evans.
13. í „L’institut.11 I. sect. scienses math., phys. et na-
turelles, XXXV. b., Paris 1876, bls. 376: Eruption en Is-
lande 1867.
Reykjavik, 24. dag maímán. 1886.
H. Kr. Friðriksson.