Fréttablaðið - 26.11.2011, Page 67

Fréttablaðið - 26.11.2011, Page 67
LAUGARDAGUR 26. nóvember 2011 9 Ræstingastjóri óskast!  Megin starf sérfræðingsins snýr að verndun Þjóðgarðsins Snæfells jökuls, fræðslumálum og almennum viðhaldsverkefnum. Ítarlegri upplýsingar um starfið, hæfniskröfur og umsóknarfrest er að finna á og ÞJÓÐGARÐURINN SNÆFELLSJÖKULL STARF SÉRFRÆÐINGS Hjá Umhverfisstofnun er laust til umsóknar starf sérfræðings í Þjóðgarðinum Snæfellsjökli. EFTA Surveillance Authority webpage: Overview of conditions at: about-the-authority/ vacancies/recruitment-policy. Application must be filled in and sent online at the following address: Role description: The EFTA Surveillance Authority shall recruit a Director to lead its Admi nistra - tion Department. The Director leads a team of 10 persons who provide adminis- trative support and assistance to Colle ge and departments of the Autho rity. The de - partment is responsible to the Pre sident and College for financial management and control, human re sour ces manage- ment, infrastructure, including ICT, and logistical support, including security, and information management. The Di rec tor is expected to provide advice to the Autho rity and its decision making in stances on the im plementation and application of, inter alia, the Authority’s Financial Regu lations and Rules, Staff Regu la tions and Rules, and the Head quarter Agreement with the Kingdom of Bel gium. The Direc tor is Head of Se cu rity, and as such, res pon sible for the implementation and ap plication of the Authority’s rules on security. Essential: l University degree e.g. in public or business administration, law, or government studies, or other corre- sponding education. l Relevant experience at responsible level in private or public sector. l Knowledge of, and experience with, fi nan cial and human resources man- a ge ment in international organisa- tions is an asset. l Good management and interpersonal skills, organisational understanding and a track record of achievement. l Good understanding of the legal sys- tem, institutions and governments of the EEA EFTA States is an advantage. l Excellent oral and written command of English, preferably also knowledge of French. l Knowledge of at least one of the EFTA languages (Norwegian, Icelandic, Ger - man). l The candidate must be of good repute and eligible for security clearance. Conditions : The position is placed at grade A6 of the salary scale, starting at € 111.675,48 per year. Appointments are normally made at Step 1 of a grade. A higher step can be considered on the basis of the candidate's qualifications and experi- ence. Depending on, inter alia, the can- didate’s family status, allowances and benefits may apply. Favorable tax con- ditions apply. While its staff members shall normally be nationals of one of the three EFTA States party to the EEA Agreement, the Authority will also consider other appli- cations, primarily those of nationals of the other States that are party to the EEA Agreement. The position will be vacant during summer, at latest 1 October 2012. Type and duration of appointment: fixed-term contract of three years. Job title: Director. If considered desirable, an additional fixed-term contract of three years may be offered. Deadline for application: 16 January 2012 Interviews: January/February 2012 Questions regarding the position may be posed to Mrs Oda Helen Sletnes, President of the EFTA Surveillance Authority, on +32 (0) 2 286 18 20, or Erik J. Eidem, Director of Admini stra - tion, on +32 (0) 2 286 18 90. Questions regarding the recruitment pro cess may be posed to Mrs Sophie Jeannon, HR Assistant, on +32 (0)2 286 18 93. The EFTA Surveillance Authority monitors compliance with European Economic Area rules in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, enabling them to participate in the European internal market. In monitoring and enforcing the EEA Agreement, the Authority has powers that correspond to those of the European Commission. The Authority is based in Brussels and operates independently of the EFTA States. The Authority is led by a College which consists of three members appointed by the EEA EFTA States. Director of Administration Role description: The successful applicant will operate the registry, archives and library for the Authority. The officer holds a key posi- tion in the organisation as responsible for the daily running of the Registry, handling registration and (mostly elec- tronic) distribution of all incoming and outgoing official correspondence. The available position forms part of the Authority’s Information Management team. Tasks also include training of staff in the use of the Authority’s infor- mation management system (inter alia document handling system) and user support. The position reports to the Director of Administration, except in regards the Library, which is run by the Legal and Executive Affairs Department. Essential: l University degree within the field of library, archive or information sciences, or equivalent education. l Working experience within the field of information and document manage- ment. l Knowledge of information and docu- ment management software. l Advanced knowledge of the Microsoft Office package. l Excellent command of written and spo- ken English. l Knowledge of at least one of the EFTA languages (Norwegian, Icelandic, Ger- man). l Good organisational and communica- tion skills. l Flexibility and ability to work both inde- pendently and in a team. Ideal skills: l Knowledge of Hummingbird (Docu - ment Management System). l Knowledge of languages of host country (French or Dutch). l Experience with training within the field of information management. Conditions : The position is placed at grade A2 of the salary scale, starting at € 56.904,48 per year. Appointments are normally made at Step 1 of a grade. A higher step can be considered on the basis of the candidate's quali- fications and experience. Depending on, inter alia, the candidate’s family status, allowances and benefits may apply. Favorable tax conditions apply. The applicants must be entitled to full citizen rights and be of good repute. Appointment is conditional upon secu- rity clearance, as the successful appli- cant may at times handle sensitive documents. While its staff members shall normally be nationals of one of the three EFTA States party to the EEA Agreement, the Authority will also consider other applications, primarily those of nationals of the other States that are party to the EEA Agreement. The position will be vacant as of late winter/early spring 2012 Type and duration of appointment: fixed-term contract of three years. Job title: Officer. If considered desirable, an additional fixed-term contract of three years may be offered. Deadline for application: 15 December 2011 Interviews: January 2012 Questions regarding the position may be posed to Mr Ólafur Aðalsteinsson, Deputy Director of the Administration, on +32 (0) 2 286 18 95. Questions regarding the recruitment process may be posed to Mrs Sophie Jeannon, HR Assistant, on +32 (0)2 286 18 93. Registry officer/Librarian JOB REFERENCE : 12/11 JOB REFERENCE : 13/11 Lögfræðingur Lögmannafélag Íslands auglýsir eftir lögfræðingi til starfa á skrif- stofu félagsins. Leitað er að einstaklingi með fullnaðarpróf í lögfræði, góða tölvu- og tungumálakunnáttu og sem unnið getur sjálfstætt. Umsóknum, ásamt starfsferilskrá, ber að skila á skrifstofu Lögmannafélags Íslands að Álftamýri 9, fyrir kl. 16:00, föstudaginn 2. desember nk. Nánari upplýsingar veitir Ingimar Ingason, framkvæmdastjóri í síma 568 5620. Leikskólakennarar með umsjón þróunarverkefna Leikskólinn Aðalþing leitar að kennurum í stöðu leikskólakennara með umsjón þróunarverkefna. Það er starfsheiti í nýgerðum kjarasamningi milli rekstraraðila skólans og Félags leikskólakennara. Hæfniskröfur: - Starfsréttindi leikskólakennara. - Brennandi áhugi á að vinna í leikskóla þar sem ríkir skýr framtíðarsýn. - Áhugi á að starfa í anda Reggio Emilia eða að kynnast slíkum starfsháttum og efla sig í starfi. - Góðir samskiptahæfileikar og glaðlyndi. Kjör: - Starfskjör eru samkvæmt nýgerðum kjarasamningi milli Sigöldu ehf. rekstraraðila Aðalþings og Félags leikskólakennara. Upplýsingar: Nánari upplýsingar eru á vef skólans,, en auk þess veitir skólastjóri upplýsingar um starfið. Umsóknarfrestur er til 10. desember. LEIKSKÓLINN AÐALÞING
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