

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1925, Page 8

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1925, Page 8
2 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Hve oft Dánir Gastroenteroanastomosis ........................ 21* 2 Resectio pylori ...............................: 2 o ---- ileocoecalis ...........................2 0 ---- ilei ................................ 3 o Cholecystostomia ................................. 8 2 Cholecystectomia . • •............................. 2 o Enteroanastomosis ................................. 2 o Enteropoloanastomosis ............................. 1 o Sectio cæsarea abdominalis ........................ 1 o Kolpohysterotomia (Diihrsen) ...................... 3 1 Interpostitio vesico-vaginalis .................... 2 o Operatio Alexander-Adam ........................... 2 o Exstirpatio lipomatis permagni retro-peritonealis abdominis ....................................... 1 1 Amputationes (stærri lima) ....................... 13 1 Amputatio intercosto-scalpularis .................. 1 o ---- mammæ et exstirpat. gland. axillæ .. 13 1 Resectio genus .................................... 3 o Hysterectomia abdominalis......................... 11 o Sectio alta........................................ 6 2 Resectio urethræ .................................. 1 o Trepanatio ossium .............................. 10 o Kolporaphia .................................... 10 o Oophorocystectomia ............................... n o Salpingooophorectomia ............................. 9 1 Ileus ...........• ............................ 6 3 Samtals . . 522 41 Nokkrar minni háttar a'ögerfrir: Hve oft Dánir Phelps operatio,.................................. 5 0 Tra.cheotomia .................................... 5 3 Osteotomia ..................................... 2 o Exstirpationes tumorum .......................... 60 o Enuchleationes bulbi............................. 22 o Sectio Sæmisch.................................... 9 o Op. Babcock....................................... 3 o Resectio venæ saph................................ 3 0 Op. Winckelmann .................................. 5 o Abrasiones muc. uteri .......................... 101 o 2i5 3 í eftirfarandi máli mun eg nú fara ítarlegri oröum um þessar og fleiri aögeröir mínar. 7 vegna ulcus, enginn dáinn.



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