

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1953, Qupperneq 32

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1953, Qupperneq 32
122 LÆKN ABLAÐIÐ 3 sæmilegar. Þess ber þó að gæta, að þær kj.holur, sem ég gerði Luc-Caldw.aðg. á, eru þær, sem ekki læknuðust þrátt fyrir gott frárennsli, með öðr- um orðum þær erfiðustu, vald- ar úr fjölmörgum. Með því að gera fyrst Claoués- aðg. er þannig hægt að velja úr þær holur, sem raunveru- lega þarfnast rad.aðgerðar og þá er vissa fengin fyrir því, að slímhúðin getur ekki jafnað sig á nokkrum vikum eða mán- uðum, þrátt fyrir vítt frárennsl- isop. Á þann liátt má oft kom- ast lijá því að fórna slímhúð- inni að óþörfu. f fáum orðum sagt, er þá árangurinn af þessum 95 Claouésaðgerðum þessi: í 76% ágætur, 7% sæmilegur, 17% lé- legur. Með öðrum orðum góður á- rangur í 83%. Summary. The main causes and symp- tomatology of sinusitis maxill- aris are described. As the symptoms from the sinus itself frequently are very vague, tlie writer recommends, as a general rule, to make a diaphanoscopy (transillumin- ation) of tlie sinuses on every new patient with oto-rhino- laryngological complaints and aiso on those with oesofago- gastric- or bronchial disorders, headache or general malaise. In cases suspective of sinu- sitis a roentgenogram should be made or a proofpuncture of tbe sinus performed. As to the treatment, the litterature seems to indicate tliat a general medication with sulfa or penicillin is usually ineffective in uncomplicated cases, likewise tbe topical application of sulfa in the sin- us after lavage, but some eff- ect can be expected from peni- cillin injected inlo the sinus, in doses not less than 150—200.000 units. Some chronic cases also seem to respond well to this treatment. The writers own experience confirms tliis too. As vet, little has been written about tbe effect of the newer antibiotics on sinusitis. The chief metliods of operat- ing upon the maxillary sinus are shortlv mentioned i. e. tlie radical operation a. m. Luc- Caldwell and Denker and tbe antrostomy or antral window operation a. m. Claoué. Tbe writer gives a brief ac- count of bis own results of 95 antrostomies a. m. Claoué, which he observed for a period of 6 months to 6 years posto- peratively. Included in this number are 17 acute cases. All of tbem proved to be cured. Of the remaining 78 chronic sinuses on whom antrostomv was done 55 were completelv cured, 7 greatly improved, but



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