

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1960, Page 80

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1960, Page 80
96 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ vægt sé, að sami læknir hafi eftirlit með sjúklingnum frá byrjun meðferðar til loka, hjálpi þeim með hreyfiæfingum og gæti þess við notkun sjúkraleik- fimi, að ekki sé beitt teyging- um eða nuddi. TILVlSANIR: 1. BAYLES, T. B.: Bursitis and Fibrosis, Med. Clin. N. Amer., Sept. 1955. 2. CODMAN, E. A.: The Shoulder, Boston 1934. 3. DePALMA, A. F.: Frozen Shoul- der, Surg. Clin. N. Amer., Dec. 1953. 4. FLETCHER, E.: Medical Dis- orders of The Locomotor Sys- tem, Edinburgh 1951. 5. KALBAK, K.: Diagnostische Probleme der Schulter-Arm-Re- gion ...., Deutsch. Medizin. Journal, Vol. 9:3; 1958: 131— 140. 6. LINDBLOM, K.: On The Patho- * genesis of Rupture of The Ten- don Aponeurosis of The Shoul- der Joint, Acta Radiol., Vol. XX: 1939. 7. MADSEN, C. T.: Röntgenbe- handling af Peritendinitis cal- carea humeri, Nord. Med., 1948: 37:7. 8. MOBERG E.: Överextremite- tens kirurgiska sjukdomar, Nord. Lærebog i Kirurgi, Kö- benhavn 1955. 9. MUSTAKALLIO, S.: Acta Ra- diol., Vol. XX: 1939. 10. PELLICORE, R.: Common af- fections about The Shoulder Joint, Med. Clin. N. Amer., Jan. 1958. 11. RECHTMAN, A. M. & WOHL, M. A.= Common Orthopedic Problems, Med. Clin. N. Amer., Sept. 1956. 12. SCHWARTZ, M. & MEULEN- GRACHT, E.: Nord. Med., 1951: 46:1629. 13. STEFFENSEN, K. A.: Nord. Med., 1945:27:1889. 14. STEINBROCKER, O. & al.: Ann. Int. Medicine, 1948:29:22. 15. STEINBROCKER, O., NEU- STADT, D„ BOSCH, S. J.: Pain- ful Shoulder Syndromes, Med. Clin. N. Amer., March 1955. 16. WATSON—JONES, R. J.: Frac. tures and Joint Injuries, Edin- burgh 1955. 17. BREKKAN, Á.: Behandlings- resultat vid Periarthritis hume- roscapularis, fyrirl. og handr. 1958, birting ásamt viðbæti und- irbúin. SUMMARY. Brekkan, Ásmundur: HUMEROSCAPULAR PERITENDINITIS. After a short review of the func- tional anatomy and pathology of the shoulder region, some clinical as- pects of the painful shoulder synd- romes are discussed with special re- ference to differential diagnosis and the more serious neurovascular com- plicátions of inadequate therapy. which are discussed at some length. The dangers of prolonged immobili- sation as well as any form of forc- ible manipulations are stressed. From perusal of litterature and per- sonal experience gathered in the therapy and follow-up studies of a considerable number of these pa- tients, it is the opinion of the author that carefully planned Roentgen ray therapy for the elimination of pain followed by individually graded active exercise under the super- vision of the physician and a skilled physiotherapist is still a rewarding and effective treatment of the pain- ful shoulder.



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