

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1960, Page 82

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1960, Page 82
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 11 SH ggjj C ýifj! V-W tllll the supreme advantage... saluretic activity to achieve and maintain normal sodium levels in the treatment of both Edema Hypertension the most potent and consistently effective of a11 diuretics—oral or parenteral. to permit marked reduction of the dosaga and associated side effects of other antihypertensive therapy. NOTE CHIOTRIDE * has been used with singular success to enhance the antihypertínslve activity o> MEVASINE * (Mecamylamine Hydrochloride) and other standard measures. ffKflk MERCK SHARP A DOHME INTERNATIONAL DIVISION O F MERCK 4 CO., Inc. • 100 churcm street. new york t. n. v., u. s. a.



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