

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1965, Page 84

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1965, Page 84
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ SQUIBB HYDROFLUMETHIAZIDE (DI-ADEMIL) AND SQUIBB STANDARDIZED RAUWOLFIA SERPENTINA WHOLE ROOT (RAUDIXIN) WITH POTASSIUM CHLORIDE For all degrees oí essential hypertension BETTER THAN ANY OTHER ORAL DIURETIC-ANTIHYPERTENSIVE COMPOUND AVAILABLE Di-Ademil-K (Squibb Hydroflumethiazide with Potassiujr. Chloride) . INDICATIONS: Di-Ademil-K is indicated for the treatment of all clinically common edematous states such as: congestive heart failure, nephritic edema, edema and toxemia of pregnancy, hepatic edema, and premenstrual tension. It is also useful as an adjunct in the treatment of obesity. Di-Ademil-K in indicated in all de- grees of essential hypertension either alone or as a potentiating agent to permit a reduction in dosage of more potent agents and thus reduce the severity of side effects. UMBOÐSMENN: 0. J0HNS0N & KAABER H.F.



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