Læknablaðið - 01.02.1966, Side 40
sjúkrahúsum og einstökum læknum vegna gruns um veiru-
sjúkdóma af einhverju tagi. Siðastliðin tvö ár hefur verið gert
komplementbindingspi'óf fyrir hvísótt á um 200 þessara sýna,
og fundust ekki nema 17 jákvæð, þar af aðeins tvö í mikilli
þynningu, bæði frá börnum. Má því ætla, að þessi veiki sé ekki
heilsufarslegt vandamál hér á landi eins og er, þó að smitun
sé möguleg frá búfé. Hugsanlegt er, að smitmegin stofnsins taki
breytingum, og væri þá liægl að búast við staðbundnum far-
öldrum í sveitum eða meðal kaupstaðarfólks, sem handleikur
búfjárafurðir og þá sérstaklega í starfsliði sláturhúsa.
A serological survey of Q-fever has been done in several Ice-
landic cattle and sheep herds, using the complementfixation test.
Of 797 cow sera from 95 farms in 26 districts, 94 were positive in
the dilution 1 : 4 or greater. The titers were all low, highest 1:18
and the highest incidence of positive reactors in a district was 26%.
Of the 939 sheep sera tested, 298 were positive, the highest titers
found were 1 : 64, but the majority of these sera were not tested
in a dilution greater than 1 : 16. The incidence of positive reactors
was traced through a few months period in one farm and for almost
a year in another one in the same district. It was found to be 76.6%
in midsummer ’64 in one of them, having dropped to 49.2% in the
fall and in the other it was 12.3% in the summer of ’64, 28.5% in
the fall and 29.3% in the spring of ’65. Of 16 sera from adult people
from this district, none was positive for Q-fever and the incidence
of positive cow sera from this same district was 2.7%.
There were 247 sera tested from people, of which only 8 were
positive, all from children and in low titers.
No attempt was made to isolate the causative agent, as isolation
facilities in this laboratory are not satisfactory for such an under-
1. Lennette, E. H. (1959); Rivers & Horsfall: Viral and Rickettsial
Infections of Man, 3. útg., 880.
2. Huebner, R. J., Jellison, W. L., Beck, M. D. and Wilcox, F. P.
(1949): Pub. Health Rep. 64, 499.
3. Lennette, E. H., Clark, W. H., Abinanti, M. M., Brunetti, O.
and Covert, J. M. (1952): Amer. Jour. Hyg. 55, 246.
4. Enright, J. B., Sadler, W. W. and Thomas, R. C. (1957): Pub.
Health Rep. 72, 947.
5. Shepard, C. C. (1947): Amer. Jour. Hyg. 46, 185.
6. Topping, N. H., Shepard, C. C. and Irons, J. V. (1947): J.A.M.A.,
133, 813.
7. Luoto, L. and Huebner, R. J. (1950): Pub. Health Rep. 65, 541.