

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1973, Blaðsíða 52

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1973, Blaðsíða 52
74 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ NIÐURLAG í þessari grein hefur verið reynt að lýsa, hvernig tölvutækni er beitt við söfn- un, geymslu og miðlun upplýsinga á sjúkrahúsum. Að dómi höfundar mun þró- un á þessu sviði enn verða mikil, einkum hvað varðar sjálfvirkni mælinga og virkj- un einstaklinganna sjálfra við upplýsinga- söfnun.8 í síðustu greininni í þessum flokki verð- ur fjallað um hugsanlega þróun tölvu- tækni í íslenzka heilbrigðiskerfinu. HEIMILDIR 1. Applications at Grant Hospital. IBM Li- brary Ref. K20-Glfli8. 1971. 2. Automation: Dietary Department, selected references. Publ. by U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare. 1968. 3. Automation and the Nurse: A description of a computer system which leaves the staff of 11 American Hospitals more tíme for patient care. Nursing Mirror 8. March, 1968. 4. Balintly, J. L., Blackburn, C. R. A signi- ficant Advance in Hospital Menu Planning by Computer. Institutions, July 1964. 5. Ball, M. J. An Overview of Total Medical Information Systems. Metliods of Informa- tion in Medicine 10:73. 1971. 6. Centrallaboratoriessystemet, Systemoplæg, GLOSTRUP-GENTOFTE, Kommunens Amts Syghus, Köbenhavn. 1971. 7. Clinical Lab. Programs for System/7: Communication Peak Type Analyzer, Plateau Analyzer, Automated Hematology. IBM Library Ref. B21-046 7, 01f7C, 01^73, 0476. 8. Collen, M. F., Cutler, J. L., Siegelaub, A. B. & Cella, R. L. Reliability of a Self-Ad- ministered Medical Questionnaire. Arch. Intern. Med. 123:664. 1969. 9. Computer-Prepared Nursing Notes at San Jose Hospital. IBM Library Ref. K20-0143. 10. Computers in Medicine. Published by the British Medical Association, 1969. 11. De Marco, J. P. Automating Nursing’s Paper Work. Amer. J. of Nursing 65; No. 9. 1965. 12. Engelbrecht, R., Schertlein, A., Reichertz, P. L. „AKOS“ — Allgemeines Kodierungs- system. Medizinische Hochschule Hann- over. Sept. 1972. 13. Feigl, W. Eingabe pathologisch-anatom- ischer Obduktionsbefunde in maschinell lesbarer OCR-Schrift. IBM Nachrichten 213:428. 1972. 14. Food Service System for Hospitals. IBM Library Ref. E20-0305. 15. Freslon, A., Kempf, B., Soubeyrand, R. G.A.M.M. —r Gestion Administrative et Médicale des Malades, Assistance Pubiique, Paris. Jan. 1971. Ópr. 16. Geisler, R. Total Hospital Operating and Medical Information System at the State University Hospital of Downstate Medical Center, New York. Nov. 1969. Ópr. 17. Grabner, G. Experience in the Documenta- tion of Case Histories concerning Internal Medicine at the 2nd Medical Clinic, Vienna. Published by IBM Medical Industry Center, Stockholm. 1972. 18. Grabner, G., Vinek, G. Mehrjáhrige Er- fahrungen bei der Dokumentation von Krankengeschichten; Weitere Projekte. Fyrirlestur í llth IBM Medical Sympos., Heidelberg, Sept. 4-6, 1972. 19. Grams, R. R., Johnson, E. A., Benson, E. S. Laboratory Data Analysis System, parts I, II, III & IV. Amer. J. Clin. Pathol. 58: 177. 1972. 20. Hartman, J. Computers can cut menu plan- ning costs. Modern Hospital 102:134. 1964. 21. Höglund, T., Swenson, W. The Bact lab. system for Clinical Bacteriology. Uppsala University Medical Center & Uppsala Uni- versity Hospital. October 1972. IBM Li- brary Ref. ZZ19-7684. 22. Information Processing for the Mental Hospital, IBM Library Ref. E20-0291. 23. Jacobitz, K. & Börner, P. Ein allgemeines System zur Synthese medizinischer Be- richte aus Markierungsbögen. Medizinische Hochschule Hannover. Sept. 1972. 24. KWIC Index to Medical Data Processing Documents at IBM Medical Center (biblio- graphy). Stockholm 1970. 25. Linman, J. W., Thomas, R. S. Computeriz- ing the Blood Smear Report. JAMA 221: 1397. 1972. 26. Medication Error and Law, selected refer- ences. Publ. by U.S. Dept. of Health, Edu- cation and Welfare. 1972. 27. Online Clinical Laboratory Testing at the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center, Uni- versity of Kentucky. IBM Library Ref. K20-0326. 1969. 28. Patientregistrering, Systemoplæg, GLOST- RUP-GENTOFTE, Kommunens Amts Syge- hus. Köbenhavn 1971. 29. Progress Report 1968. St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, 111. 30. Rappoport, A. E., Gennaro, W. B. You get the blood, computer does CBC. Modern Hospital, p. 103. Nov. 1969. 31. Rikli, A. E., Allen, S. I. Federal survey examines computerized Admission Systems. Modern Hospital, p. 99-102. Oct. 1968. 32. Shared Laboratory Information Systems IBM Library Ref. H20-0709, 0769, 0780. 33. Sister Emmanuel, D. C. & Dauphinais, R. J. A survey on the utilization of computers for pharmaceutical practice in hospitals. Drug Intelligence 2:118. 1968. 34. Sjukhusrationalisering med Automatisk Databehandling. Otg. af Statskontoret, Karolinska Sjukhuset. Stockholm 1970.
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