

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1986, Blaðsíða 49

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1986, Blaðsíða 49
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 353 til sjúkdómsgreiningar þar sem blóð er tekið úr sjúklingum, granulocytar einangraðir og merktir með Indium áður en þeim er sprautað aftur í sjúklinginn. Síðan er hægt að sjá með gammamyndavél hvert granulocytarnir fara og þá hvort einhvers staðar er óeðlileg upphleðsla sem bendir á graftarsýkingu. Á seinustu átta mánuðum hafa verið gerð 12 hvítfrumuskönn á Landspítalanum, í tveimur tilfellum í leit að skýringu á hita, þrisvar til að staðfesta eða útiloka graftarkýli (absess) í kviðarholi, fjórum sinnum til að meta liða- eða beinaprótesu m.t.t. sýkingar og þrisvar til að meta virkni Crohn’s sjúkdóms. 1 átta tilvikum sáust merki graftarsýkingar og í fimm tilvikum staðfestist þetta síðar í aðgerð. Tveir af þessum átta reyndust vera með þarmabólgu (Crohn’s og volvulus) og einn var með fistil i magál sem sást á skanninu. Af þeim fjórum rannsóknum sem ekki sýndu merki bólgu reyndist einn sj. hafa endocarditis, annar CMV lungnabólgu, þriðji Crohn’s sjúkdóm í remissio og ekki er ljóst hvað olli hita hjá þeim fjórða en hann er hitalaus á gigtarlyfjum. Þetta sýnir að hvítfrumuskann er hjálplegt við greiningu á sýkingum í kviðarholi og stoðkerfi. Nokkrar sjúkasögur verða raktar nánar. THE MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC SEVERE ASTHMA Prof. M. Turner-Warwick. Cardiothoracic Institute, London. There are several important types of chronic asthma to identify. Many patients have varying airflow limitation but with a substantial additional irreversible component, presumably reflecting permanent damage to airways. The extent of the irreversible component is important to establish because on the one hand it is crucial to adjust medication so that optimal airflow is maintained. On the other hand it is useless to continue to use large doses of sometimes dangerous drugs because peak-flow measurements are abnormally low when such medication is evidently failing to open the airways further. The best way of establishing the optimal peak-flow (or spirographic) measurements is often to give planned course of oral corticosteroids (often around 40 to 60 mg of prednisolone daily) and continue over at least three weeks. It is our practice to do full lung-function test before and afterwards because in some patients peak-flow measurements may remain unaltered but because the vital capacity improves and the patient breathes at a lower lung volume he may be considerably more comfortable. Response to such treatment may be slow and as an empirical rule treatment over about three weeks will probably identify the majority of those who may be improved. It is vital to explain to the patient at the outset that if no improvement is measured corticosteroids will be withdrawn. Otherwise many patients are left on corticosteroids because of subjective improvement and exposed unnecessarily to the dangers of prolonged oral steroid therapy. Other patients have chronic asthma showing highly unstable peak-flow trace. Rapid improvement can be obtained using bronchodilators but stability cannot be obtained. Many of these patients are not improved by corticosteroids and again this failure of medication should be identified. Attempts at stabilization using regular aerosolized beta-agonists, oral theophylline and/or aerosolized corticosteroids have sometimes been successful. However some patients are refractory to all these forms of medication. Why a group of patients cannot be stabilized with bronchodilators when they are so responsive when bronchoconstricted is one of the major problems in chronic asthma requiring an answer. Patients with chronic disease have to adapt if they are to maintain any semblance of normal life. This often means that they learn to ignore quite serious symptoms, because it has happened so often before. Analyses of causes of mortality in asthma have repeatedly shown that some deaths have resulted from patients underestimating the severity of their asthma. Rather than apportioning blame it is crucial for doctors to recognize how understandable it is for the patient to underplay their symptoms and through this understanding persuade the patients to monitor their asthma objectively more carefully if in doubt. Patients are also frequently accused of being non-compliant when they fail to take various forms of medication regularly, serveral times day, year in and year out. Frequent medication over prolonged periods is virtually impossible to remember unless some effect from drug omission is immediately apparent (eg insulin in a diabetic). More recent understanding and recognition of this fact has led to more effort being put into the development of medication which can be taken twice or even once daily. Such developments should not be regarded as an »optional extra« of minor importance. These developments are vital if optimal treatment is to be given to patients on a realistic basis over long periods of time. The search for long-acting bronchodilators or more convenient methods of effective prevention of asthma are both urgently needed. Many patients can be maintained as conveniently on twice-daily regimen of aerosolized corticosteroids as four-times-a-day regimen. Others can achieve twice-daily system using higher dose beclomethasone diproprionate. Budesonide may also be used in the same way. Clearly there are some patients who can only be maintained under reasonable control on oral steroids. The minimum dose to achieve optimal objective control can often be titrated quite finely and the patients taught to adjust their dose both upwards and downwards according to their changing pattern of asthma. Arbitrary courses or doses of steroids do not seem to be appropriate in the management of chronic severe asthma. There has been much recent interest in various forms of corticosteroid-resistant asthma. It is apparent that many different patterns of asthma may fail to respond to steroids and alternative medication will depend on the type. Where there is irreversible airflow obstruction no medication will improve the situation. Where the pattern is of unstable asthma regular oral theophyllines may help. Where the pattern is of severe morning dipping modifications of night-time medication, including long-acting bronchodilators, long-acting betaagonists and or theophylline may improve control. Better identification of the patterns of chronic severe asthma leads to better use of existing drugs as well as better understanding of the problem by both patient and
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