

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1986, Blaðsíða 74

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1986, Blaðsíða 74
374 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 25(OH)D3 measured in 36 healthy Icelanders, matched for sex, age and seasonal variations in vitamin levels, served as a control, and bone specimens (n = 36) obtained from similarly matched males who had died suddenly without evidence of metabolic bone disease. Compared with the matched control group (necropsies) osteoid bone volume was increased in the resected subjects (0.46% ±0.07, SEM vs. 0.18% ±0.03, control, p<0.01). During the 4 months of treatment with vitamin D and calcium, bone osteoid volume decreased to 0.15% ±0.03, p<0.05. Calcified bone volume remained unchanged during treatment (17.9% ±1.4 vs. 15.8% ± 1.0, 4 months), and was not different from the controls (17.0% ±1.1). Histological evidence of osteoporosis was found in 5 resected subjects. During treatment serum conc. of 25(OH)D3 increased from 54.6±6.2 nmol/1 (SEM) (beginning) to 73.4±7.0 nmol/1 (day 10) (p<0.01) to 77.1 ±6.7 nmol/1 (day 120), respectively (control, 56.8 ±4.1 nmol/1). Alkaline phosphatase fell from 87.0±6.9 U/1 (day 0) to 70.0±6.2 U/1 (day 10) to 61.5±4.3 U/1 (day 120) (p<0.01). Serum conc. of calcium (corrected for albumin), inorganic phosphate and 25(OH)D3 were low in several individuals at the beginning, and in 11 out of 32 resected subjects serum total protein was below normal values (<65 g/1). In addition, total protein levels were just above the lower normal margin (66-70 g/1) in 14 subjects. Protein remained low in these individuals throughout the study but calcium and 25(OH)D3 levels increased upon treatment. Histological evidence of osteomalacia was found in Icelandic males following partial gastrectomy. Low serum calcium and 25(OH)D3 levels were found in several of the resected subjects and most of them had low total protein. The osteomalacia responded to vitamin D and calcium treatment. ESTIMATION OF CYTOSOLIC FREE CALCIUM (Ca!+) BY FLUORESCENCE INDICATORS, QUIN-2 AND FURA-2: Studies in mycocytes Ó.G. Björnsson, J.R. Williamson. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Quin2 and Fura2 are fluorescent Ca2* sensitive indicators which can be loaded into cells by incubating the cells with membrane-permeant ester derivative of these indicators, Quin2/AM and Fura2/AM (JBC; 260: 3440-50, 1985). Cytosolic esterases split off the ester groups, and trapped membrane impairment Quin2 and Fura2 tetra anions bind Ca2+. Subsequently, changes in fluorescence can be used to monitor changes in (Ca2*),. Due to stronger fluorescence (higher fluorescence quantum yield), weaker affinity for Ca2+ (higher Kd) and better selectivity against other divalent cations, Fura2 has been claimed to be superior to Quin2 in measuring Ca2+ in adherent cells, bulk tissues and single cells. We used these indicators to measure changes in (Ca2+)j induced by electrical depolarization in cardiac myocytes in cell suspensions. Varying esterloading and the effects of compounds assumed to raise or lower (Ca2+), were studied and comparison made between the two markers. Myocytes (rat) were isolated by collagenase in calcium free Krebs-Henseleit buffer. After repleting intracellular Ca2+ pools, cells were loaded with varying amounts of Quin2/AM (0.1-5 nmol/mg drw) or Fura2/AM (0.01-5 nmol/mg drw) and fluorescent measurements were carried out in dual channel fluormeter. Synchronous cell contractions were observed upon electrical stimulation and these paralleled with transient changes in Quin2-Ca2+ or Fura2-Ca2+ fluorescence. In Quin2 loaded cells (Ca2+), levels rose from 54.6 ±7.2 nM (SEM, n= 16) (resting) to 107.3 ± 16.6 nM upon electrical stimulation, and a further rise to 154.0±46.5 nM was observed in the presence of isoprolerenol (1 x 10 6 M) (n = 7). Addition of the adenylate cyclase inducer forskolin, or the dihydropyridine calcium agonist BAY-K 8644, increased (Ca2+), further. Adenosine or prostacyclin, effective inducers of adenylate cyclase in vascular smooth muscle, had no effect on calcium in the myocytes. The sulfidopeptide leukotriene L I D.. suppressed (Ca:') in stimulated Quin2 loaded cells: control 88.3 ±6.5 nM (SEM, n = 4), LTD4 1 x 10"7 M. 76.2±10.7 nM, LTD4 5 x 10-7 M, 71.2±4.7 nM, LTD4 1 x 10~6 M, 56.9±5.2 nM, LTD4 5 x 10-6, 50.1 ±1.7 nM. Followed by addition of isoproterenol this suppression was overcome. In Fura2 loades cells resting (Ca2+); levels were 71.1 ±14.7 nM (SEM, n = 12), and electrically stimulated (Ca2+), 135.9±27.1 nM. These figures were not significantly different from the corresponding figures obtained from Quin2 loaded cells. In a separate series of Fura2 loaded cells isoproterenol of conc. as low as 1 x 10 ’ or 1 x 10 “ increased electrically stimulated (Ca2+), (128% and 146% respectively, n = 4), and addition of forskolin (1 x 10’6 M) increased (Ca2+), further (183% of control). LTD4 (1 x 10"7 M, 5x 10"7 M, and 1 x 10“6 M) suppressed (Ca2+)i to 77.5%, 67.9% and 60.7% of control, respectively. Fluorescence transients upon electrical stimulation were detected at as low loading of Quin2/AM and Fura2/AM as 0.5 nmol/mg drw and 0.05 nmol/mg drw, respectively. Maximum transients for Fura2/AM were observed at 1 nmol/my drw. At Fura2/AM loading as high as 5 nmol/mg drw the fall in fluorescence after electrical stimulation was small and the fluorescence peak signal became »blunted«. In Quin2 loaded cells fluorescence did never return completely to basal (resting) levels after stimulation at any loading of Quin2/AM tested. -The calcium-sensitive fluorescent indicators Quin2 and Fura2 were used to measure conc. of cytosolic free calcium in cardiac myocytes. Similar resting and stimulated levels of free calcium were obtained in Quin2 and Fura2 loaded cells. However, the fluorescence pattern depended on which indicators were used and the amount of indicator used. In Quin2 loaded cells, and in cells loaded with Fura2 of high conc., the fluorescence peak »blunted« and the resting levels became high after stimulation, presumably due to buffering effects of the indicators.
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