

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1994, Blaðsíða 20

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1994, Blaðsíða 20
184 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ youngest age group could be the result of treatment with ulcer healing drugs but the increased incidence among the oldest age group is probably due to a combination of more usage of NSAID s and an age cohort effect. HEIMILDIR 1. Brown RC, Langmann MJS, Lambert PM. Hospital admissions for peptic ulcer disease during 1958-1972. Br Med J 1976; I: 35-7. 2. Coggon D, Lambert P, Langmann MJS. 20 years of hospital admissions for peptic ulcer in England and Wales. Lancet 1981; i: 1302-4. 3. Elashoff JD, Grossmann MI. Trends in hospital admissions and death rates for peptic ulcer in the United States front 1970-1978. Gastroenterology 1980; 78: 280-5. 4. Sonnenberg A. Changes in physician visits for gastric and duodenal ulcer in the United States during 1958- 1984 as shown by National Disease and Therapeutic Index (NDII). Digestive Disease and Sciences 1987; 32: 1: 1-7. 5. Tilvis RS, Vuoristo M, Varis K, Changed profile of peptic ulcer disease in hospital patients during 1969- 1984 in Finland. Scand J Gastroenterol 1987: 22: 1238-44. 6. Kurala JH, Elashoff JD, Haile BM, Honda GD. A reappraisal of time trends in ulcer disease: Factors related lo changes in ulcer hospitalization and mortality rates. Am J Public Health 1983; 79: 1066- 72. 7. Walt R, Katschinski B, Logan R, Ashley J, Langmann M. Rising frequency of ulcer perforation in elderly people in the United Kingdom. Lancet 1986; i: 489- 92. 8. Hansen JM, Bytzer P, Muckadell OB. Ulcuskomplikationer i Fyns Amt i perioden 1980- 1990. Ugeskr Læger 1991: 153: 1402-5. 9. Koo J, Ngan YK, Lam SK. Trends in hospital admission, perforation and mortality of peptic ulcer in Hong Kong from 1970-1980. Gastroentcrology 1983; 84: 1558-62. 10. Fineberg HV, Pearlman LA. Surgical treatment of peptic ulcer in the United States. Trends bel'ore and after the inlroduction of cimetidine. Lancel 1981; i: 1305-7. 11. Wyllie JH, Clark CG, Alexander-Williams J. et al. Efifect of cimetidine on surgery for duodenal ulcer. Lancel 1981; i: 1307-8. 12. Watkins RM, Dennison AR, Collin J. What has happened to perforated peptic ulcer? Br J Surg 1984; 71: 774-6. 13. Christensen A, Bowsfield R. Ulcuskirurgi för og efter indförelsen af H2-blokkerbehandlinger. Ugeskr Læger 1987; 149: 2895-7. 14. Bardhan KD, Cust G. Hincliffe RFC, Williamson FM, Lyon C, Bose K. Changing pattern of admissions and operation for duodenal ulcer. Br J Surg 1989; 76: 230-6. 15. Christensen A. Bowsfield R, Christiansen J. Incidence of perforated and bleeding peptic ulcers before and after introduction of H: antagonists. Ann Surg 1988; 201, 1: 4-6. 16. Kurala JH. Honda GD, Frantel H. Hospitalization and mortality rates for peptic ulcer: a comparison of a large health maintenance organization and United States data. Gastroenterology 1982; 83: 1008-16. 17. Armstrong CP, Blower AL. Non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs and lifc threatening complications of pcptic ulceration. Gut 1987; 28: 527-32. 18. Sonnenberg A. Geographic and temporal variations in the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985; Suppl 110: 11-24. 19. Östensen H. Burhol PG. Bonnevie O. Bolz KD. Changes in the pattem of peptic ulcer disease in the northem part of Norway between 1946 and 1981. Scand J Gastroenterol 1982; 17: 1073-6. 20. Thompson WM. Ackerslein H. Peptic ulcer in the Alaska natives: A four years retrospective study. Alaska Medicine 1975; 17: 43-4. 21. Dungal N, Hansen H, Schweiz Z. Peptic ulcers in Iceland. Path Bakt 1958; 21: 225-8. 22. Nordic statistics on medicines, 1987-89. Uppsala: NLN Publication 1990; No 30: 47. 23. Thors H. Sigurðsson H. Oddsson E, Þjóðleifsson B. Könnun á notkun magasárslyfja (A02B) meðal íslendinga (ágrip). Læknablaðið 1992; 78/Fylgirit 21:59. 24. Penston JG, Wormsley KG. Nine years of maintainance treatment with ranitidine for palients witlt duodenal ulcer disease. Aliment Phamiacol Ther 1992; 6: 629-45. 25. Bonnevie 0. Changing demographics of peptic ulcer disease. Dig Dis Sci 7985; 30/Suppl 11: 8S-14S. 26. Thors H, Sigurðsson H. Oddsson E, Þjóðleifsson B. Dánartíðni af völdum ulcus pepticum á Islandi 1951- 1990 (ágrip). Læknablaðið 1992; 78/Fylgirit 21: 60. 27. Ólafsson Ó. Streita, vinna og heilsa í velferðarþjóðfélagi. Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1989. Fylgirit nr. 4. Reykjavík: Landlæknisembættið, 1989. 28. Ragnarsson J. Blöndal Þ. Reykingavenjur 1985-1988. Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1989. Fylgirit nr. 2. Reykjavík: Landlæknisembætlið. 1989. 29. Cecile S, Terje Lie R, Kvale G, Knut S, Söreide O. Incidence of perforated ulcer in Western Norway 1935-1990: Cohort or period dependent time trends. I handriti. 30. Gustafsson S, Nyren O. Time trends in peptic ulcer surgery 1956-1986. A nation wide surway in Sweden. Ann Surg 1989; 210, 6: 704-9. 31. Makela J, Laitinen S, Kairaluoma I. Complications of peptic ulcer diseas before and after the inlroduction of H:-receptor antagonists. Hepato-Gastroenterol 1992; 39: 144-8.



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