Búskapur hins opinbera 1994-1995 - 01.04.1996, Qupperneq 48

Búskapur hins opinbera 1994-1995 - 01.04.1996, Qupperneq 48
Tafla 1.6 Vinnuafl hins opinbera 1980-1993. General govemment employment 1980-1993. - Fjöldi ársverka / Number of man-power - 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990* 1992 1993 Starfandi hjá hinu opinbcra 16.605 19.273 19.083 20.994 22.229 22.824 23.833 23.875 Gen. governm. employment 522 Götu- og sorphreinsun o.fl. 212 260 259 247 229 189 405 276 522 Sanitary and simitar services 642 Sjúkrasamlög 65 62 59 75 71 6-42 Public sick funds 811 Stjómarráö, Alþingi o.fl. 632 691 671 824 714 896 987 995 811 General central government 812 Utanríkisþjónustan 47 46 49 50 56 2 1 812 Foreign service 813 Stjómsýsla ríkisins, ót.a. 2.607 2.739 2.924 3.263 3.294 2.984 3.302 3.249 813 Cen. governm. adm. n.e.c 819 Stjómsýsla sveitarfélaga 1.434 1.631 1.812 1.934 2.158 2.183 3.235 3.152 819 Local governm. administration 821 Háskóli íslands 424 658 626 734 866 941 966 965 821 The University of Iceland 822 Menntaskólar 548 652 692 762 1.006 1.066 1.176 1.163 822 Grammar schools 823 Grunnskólar 3.245 4.048 3.489 3.969 4.189 4,176 4.058 3.993 823 Primary and secondary schools 824 Sérskólar, kennsla ót.a. 1.027 1.156 1.112 1.154 1.413 1.609 1.039 1.180 824 Voc. schools andteaching n.e.c. 825 Heilbrigðisstofhanir 5.312 6.134 6.202 6.713 6.816 7.270 7.082 7.204 825 Hospitals, sanatoria etc. 831 Rannsóknastofnanir 616 701 673 682 733 784 807 841 831 Research and scientific institute 832 Trúmálastarfsemi 184 194 228 257 309 338 380 404 832 Religious organisations 836 Bókasöfn og önnur söfn 252 301 287 330 377 389 396 453 836 Libraries, museums etc. Starfandi alls (ársv), allar atv.gr. 105.944 114.410 116.559 124.655 127.945 124.763 123.042 122.055 Total employment Skráð atvinnuleysi 330 769 1.481 822 820 2.255 3.868 5.603 Registered unemp/oyment Vinnuafl alls 106.274 115.179 118.039 125.478 128.736 126.994 126.910 127.658 Labour force Hið opinbera % Gen. governm.employment % af starfandi alls 15,7 16,8 16,4 16,8 17,4 18,3 19,4 19,6 of total employment *) Breytt adferó frá og með 1990 / Changed method from 1990. Sjá A tvinnuvegaskýrslu Þjóðhagsstofnunar frá feb. 1996. Vinnuafl hins opinbera 1980-1993. 25.000 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990* 1992 1993 46
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1994-1995

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