Læknablaðið - 15.12.2002, Side 18
Table I. Available data In the combined European Community Respiratory Helath Survey (ECRHS).
Country Centre Stage 1 Stage 2
N: Screening questionnaires N: Interviewer led questionnaires N: Methacholine Challenge Specific IgE
lceland Reykjavik 2903 559 469 518
Norwey Bergen 3629 835 556 749
Sweden Goteborg 2885 682 545 573
Umea 3292 552 420 425
Uppsala 3146 622 498 525
Denmark Aarhus 3629 363 246
The Netherlands Bergen op Zoom 3396 452 402 418
Geleen 3372 413 345 388
Groningen 3116 380 339 355
Belgium Antwerp City 2964 562 289 267
South Antwerp 3076 577 315 558
Germany Erfurt 3272 731 596 718
Hamburg 3312 1252 1012 775
Austria Vienna 2131
Switzerland Basel 4082 844 654 567
France Bordeaux 2936 544 464 512
Grenoble 2804 473 413 429
Montpellier 3736 456 355 364
Nancy 1263
Paris 3113 652 518 555
UK Cardiff 2384 321
Cambridge 2595 277 175 192
Dundee 4275
Ipswich 3390 420 345 365
Norwich 3148 473 340 365
Ireland Dublin 2408 437 286 232
Kilkenny-Wexford 1724
Greece Athens 3325 310 145
Italy Pavia 816 309 233 250
Turin 2505 244 194 177
Verona 2713 340 290 332
Spain Albacete 3391 658 347 390
Barcelona 2731 393 178 175
Galdakao 3037 486 364 365
Huevla 2244 271 203 215
Oviedo 2918 355 239 244
Seville 2148 212 162
Portugal Coimbra 1764
Oporto 2086
Algeria Algiers 3308
India Bombay 2210
New Zealand Auckland 2941
Christchurch 3024 455 304 268
Hawkes Bay 2979 316 166 142
Wellington 3033 481 312 301
Australia Melbourne 3200 669 511 520
USA Portland 2982 549 337 314
Table II. Positive answers (%) to the postal questions. Reykjavik in comparation to all centres.
Questions All answers In Reykjavik All centres Min Median Max
Ql. Have you had wheezing or whistling in the chest the last 12 months? 18,0 4,1 20,7 32,2
Ql.l Have you been at all breathless when the wheezing noise was present? 9,0 1,4 9,8 16,3
Ql.2 Have you had this wheezing when you did not have a cold? 11,4 2,0 12,7 21,6
Q2. Have you woken up with a feeling of tightness in chest the last 12 months? 11,7 6,2 13,5 20,5
Q3. Have you been woken by shortness of breath in the last 12 months? 1,5 1,5 7,3 11,4
Q4. Have you been woken by an attack of coughing in the last 12 months? 20,7 6,0 27,9 42,6
Q5. Have you had attack of asthma in the last 12 months? 2,2 1,3 3,1 9,7
Q6. Are you currently taking any medicine for asthma? 2,4 0,6 3,5 9,8
Q7. Do you have any nasal allergies including hay fever? 17,8 9,5 20,9 40,9
894 Læknablaðið 2002/88