

Læknablaðið - 15.06.2009, Blaðsíða 18

Læknablaðið - 15.06.2009, Blaðsíða 18
F R Æ Ð I G R E I RANNSÓKN N A R 12. Semmens JB, Platell C, Threlfall TJ, Holman CD. A population-based study of the incidence, mortality and outcomes in patients following surgery for colorectal cancer in Western Australia. Aust N Z J Surg 2000; 70:11-8. 13. Faivre-Finn C, Bouvier-Benhamiche AM, Phelip JM, Manfredi S, Dancourt V, Faivre J. Colon cancer in France: evidence for improvement in management and survival. Gut 2002; 51:60-4. 14. Keating J, Pater P, Lolohea S, Wickremesekera K. The epidemiology of colorectal cancer: what can we learn from the New Zealand Cancer Registry? N Z Med J 2003; 116: U437. 15. The Cancer Registry of Norway. Cancer in Norway 2000. Norway 2003. 16. Gatta G, Ciccolallo L, Capocaccia R, et al. Differences in colorectal cancer survival between European and US populations: the importance of sub-site and morphology. Eur J Cancer 2003; 39: 2214-22. 17. Hagstofa íslands. Hagstofa íslands - Hagtölur. 2007; www. hagstofa.is / júní 2007. 18. 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Pathologic determinants of survival associated with colorectal cancer with lymph node metastases. A multivariate analysis of 579 patients. Cancer 1994; 73: 2076-82. 26. Sasaki O, Atkin WS, Jass JR. Mucinous carcinoma of the rectum. Histopathology 1987; 11: 259-72. 27. Jass JR. Lymphocytic infiltration and survival in rectal cancer. J Clin Pathol 1986; 39: 585-9. 28. Angell-Andersen E, Tretli S, Coleman MP, Langmark F, Grotmol T. Colorectal cancer survival trends in Norway 1958-1997. Eur J Cancer 2004; 40: 734-42. 29. Scheiden R, Pescatore P, Wagener Y, Kieffer N, Capesius C. Colon cancer in Luxembourg: a national population-based data report, 1988-1998. BMC Cancer 2005; 5: 52-63. 30. Kotake K, Honjo S, Sugihara K, et al. Changes in colorectal cancer during a 20-year period: an extended report from the multi-institutional registry of large bowel cancer, Japan. Dis Colon Rectum 2003; 46 (10 Suppl): S32-43. 31. Han-Shiang C. Curative resection of colorectal adenocarcinoma: multivariate analysis of 5-year follow-up. World J Surg 1999; 23:1301-6. 32. Steinberg SM, Barwick KW, Stablein DM. Importance of tumor pathology and morphology in patients with surgically resected colon cancer. Findings from the Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group. Cancer 1986; 15; 58:1340-5. 33. Ropponen K, Eskelinen M, Kosma VM, Lipponen P, Paakkinen P, Alhava E. Comparison of classic and quantitative prognostic factors in colorectal cancer. Anticancer Res 1996; 16(6B): 3875-82. 34. Takeuchi K, Kuwano H, Tsuzuki Y, et al. Clinicopathological characteristics of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon and rectum. Hepatogastroenterology 2004; 51: 1698-702. 35. Gerhardsson M, Steineck G, Norell SE. Colorectal cancer in Sweden. A descriptive epidemiologic study. Acta Oncol 1990; 29: 855-61. 36. Helgason A, Yngvadóttir B, Hrafnkelsson B, Gulcher J, Stefánsson K. An Icelandic example of the impact of population structure on association studies. Nat Genet 2005; 37: 90-5. 37. Nelson RL, Dollear T, Freels S, Persky V. The relation of age, race, and gender to the subsite location of colorectal carcinoma. Cancer 1997; 80:193-7. >■ CC < s 5 3 </> 1 CO _J o 2 UJ Colon cancer in lceland 1955-2004. Study on epidemiology, histopathology and gender difference Objective: Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in lceland. The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiology and histopathology of colon cancer in lceland, resection rate and the difference between men and women. Material and methods: Pathology and autopsy reports for all patients diagnosed with colon cancer between 1955 and 2004 where reviewed. All the histopathology material was re-evaluated. Demographical information and pathological findings were registered. Age-standardized incidence was calculated for both men and women. Gender difference was evaluated. Time trend was evaluated by linear regression. Results: After re-evaluation 2293 cases remained (1148 males and 1145 females). The incidence increased for men from 7.5, to 22.2/105 and for women from 8.6 to 15.1/105. Most tumors were located in the sigmoid colon (35%). Surgical rate increased from 50% to 85%. Adenocarcinomas where 84% and mucinous adenocarcinoma 7%. Altogether 7% of cases were TNM- stage I, 32% were stage II, 24% stage III, 21% in stage IV and stage was unknown in 16% of cases. Slight gender difference was observed regarding grade, vessel invasion, depth of invasion and anatomic subsite. Conclusion: Incidence of colon cancer increased considerably, mainly for men. Surgical rate and pathology of colon cancer is similar to that reported elsewhere except that there are somewhat fewer cases in TNM-stage I. Little gender difference was observed in the pathological parameters analysed. Snaebjornsson P, Jonasson L, Jonsson Th, Moller PH, Theodors A, Jonasson JG. Colon cancer in lceland 1955-2004. Study on epidemiology, histopathology and gender difference. Icel Med J 2009; 95; 423-30 Key words: colon cancer, histopathology, epidemiology, gender, population-based. Correspondence: Jón Gunntaugur Jónasson, jongj@landspitali.is Barst: 3. febrúar 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 29. apríl 2009 430 LÆKNAblaðið 2009/95
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