Skírnir - 01.01.1985, Qupperneq 210
18. Gks. 1154, 1983, bls. 9-35.
19. Stefán Karlsson, 1967, bls. 53.
20. Gks. 1154,1983, op. cit. bls. 22: „When added together the Icelandic fea-
tures in 1154 I are of such significance that there must have been an Ice-
landic scribe at work in one stage in the process of transmission."
21. Ibid.,bls. 24, NGL, 2, bls. 39.2.
22. Gks. 1154, 1983, bls. 22-23.
23. Gks. 1154, 1983, bls. 33. Helstu heimildir um AM 227 eru: Halldór Her-
mannsson, 1935, bls. 16-21, Stjórn AM 227 fol., Corpus Codicum Island-
icorum Medii Aevi, XX, Copenhagen 1956, with an Introduction by Did-
rik Arup Seip, Selma Jónsdóttir, Lýsingar í Stjórnarhandriti, Reykjavík
1971, sama, „Lýsingar Helgastaðabókar“, „Helgastaðabók Nikulás saga
Perg. 4to Nr. 16 Konungsbókhiöðu í Stokkhólmi“, íslensk miðaldahand-
rit, II, Reykjavík 1982, bls. 107ff., Guðbjörg Kristjánsdóttir, „Islenskt
saltarabrot í Svíþjóð“, Skírnir, 1983, bls. 64-73. Ljósprentuð útgáfa al'
AM 227 folio er nú í vinnslu en þar mun Selma Jónsdóttir skrifa um lýs-
ingar handritsins.
24. Gks. 1154, 1983, op. cit., bls. 13: „In only one Nordic area, Iceland, has
a relatively rich collection of illuminated manuscripts been preserved.
Most of them, however, are later than Hardenberg’s Codex and of such
modest quality that they do not provide a suitable basis for comparison.
One Icelandic manuscript nevertheless shows close similarities to Har-
denberg’s Codex in the style both of its figures and of its initials, and that
is the Stjórn manuscript, AM 227 fol., from the first half of the 14th cen-
tury (Hermansson 1935 pls. I. and 16-21). It is probably somewhat later
than Hardenberg’s Codex and not of the same quality. Although it shows
a somewhat coarse and simplified version of the style, the whole decora-
tive system of the manuscript is in a style which must have originated in
the same artistic environment as that in which Hardenberg’s Codex was
created. A certain connection can also be seen with the Svalbarðsbók
mentioned above, AM 343 fol (ibid., pls. 8 a-e, 53, and 54), in which
some of the illustrations also relate iconographically with Hardenberg’s
Codex. These Icelandic manuscripts undoubtedly have Norwegian mo-
dels and show that in its styie, Hardenberg’s Codex can be regarded as
representative of a Norwegian manuscript school."
Tilvitnun í grein Bergs er höfð þetta ýtarleg því að þar kemur fram afstaða
norskra fræðimanna til íslenskrar miðaldalistar, en hún hefur ætíð ein-
kennst af því, að aðeins sé hægt að líta á hana sem lélega eftirlíkingu af því
sem tapast hefur í norskri myndlist.
25. Fett, 1910, bls. 6.
26. Gks. 1154,1983, bls 34. Knut Berg bendir á ýmis ensk handrit til saman-
burðar í grein sinni, sjá Gks. 1154, 1983, bls. 34.
Nordenfalk bendir einnig á ensk áhrif á stíl Gks. 1154 I, sjá Nordenfalk,