
Jökull - 01.12.1991, Síða 12

Jökull - 01.12.1991, Síða 12
Fig. 11: Correlation coefficients of monthly temperature between four pairs of weather stations. Mynd 11: Dœtni umfylgni mánaðarhita milli veðurstöðva. below 0.80. Although the correlation decreases some- what in the most remote regions it can be concluded that variations of annual temperature frorn year to year are generally in the same direction in all parts of the country. The amplitudes are on the other hand variable between stations or districts as the standard deviation of the annual temperature (Fig.4) confirms. Examples are given in Fig. 11 of the variability of correlation coefficients of monthly temperatures between different weather stations. Monthly temperatures at different stations are nicely correlated for the months January-April and September-December with coefficients >0.80 regard- less of the choice of basic stations. For May the coef- ficients are generally slightly lower while the picture for the summer is quite different. For the summer months June-August the correla- tion is still good between stations within the same weather area, i.e. where the main characteristics of each weather type is similar, as for Reykjavík and Stórinúpur/Hæll in Fig.l 1. The same is the case for stations where the summer temperature behaves in a similar way in different weather types, in spite of a considerable distance in between, as for Akureyri and Hallormsstaður in Fig.l 1. On the other hand the correlation coefficients are low between stations in different parts of the country, often separated by the main highland. In Fig.ll this is the case for Reykjavík-Akureyri and Akureyri-Stórinúpur/ Hæll. Fig. 12: Distribution of correlation coefficients of the temperature of July between Hallormsstaður as a basic station and other stations. Mynd 12: Fylgni júlíhita á Hallormsstað við aðrar veðurstöðvar. 10 JÖKULL, No. 41, 1991
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