Jökull - 01.12.1991, Side 17
Table 2
5 highest and lowest annual temperatures 1901-1990
Tafla 2
Fimm hlýjustu og köldustu ár tímabilsins 1901-1990
highest lowest highest lowest
year annualýC year annual,°C year annual,°C year annual,°C
1941 6.4 1979 2.9 1946 5.1 1979 2.2
1939 6.3 1919 3.3 1972 5.1 1902 2.3
1933 6.1 1981 3.4 1953 5.0 1907 2.4
1945 6.1 1983 3.4 1960 5.0 1917 2.5
1928/64 5.7 1921 3.6 1933/45 4.9 1968/69 2.6
highest lowest highest lowest
year annual,°C year annual,°C year annual,°C year annual,°C
1941 5.2 1918 2.2 1941 6.3 1919 3.6
1933 5.1 1979 2.3 1946 6.2 1979 3.7
1939 5.1 1903 2.4 1933 6.1 1906 3.8
1946 5.1 1907 2.5 1939 6.1 1917 3.8
1945 4.9 1981 2.5 1945/60 6.0 1907/14/18 3.9
highest lowest highest lowest
year annual,°C year annual,°C year annual,°C year annual,°C
1939 4.1 1902 0.4 1939 5.4 1979 2.1
1960 4.0 1918 0.5 1941 5.1 1919 2.4
1941 3.9 1907 0.8 1945 5.0 1906 2.6
1953 3.9 1917 1.0 1946 5.0 1981 2.6
1933/46 3.8 1979 1.0 1960 5.0 1983 2.6
highest lowest
year annual,°C year annual,°C
1933 5.6 1979 1.3
1939 5.0 1917 1.6
1945 4.9 1918 1.6
1941 4.8 1903 1.8
1946 4.8 1907 1.8
hom. The above mentioned periods are clearly seen
in the 5-year overlapping means in Fig.17. The
curves generally fluctuate in the same direction at the
three stations but there are differences in the ampli-
tude. The cool period 1965-1971 is very clear in
northern and eastem Iceland (Akureyri, Teigarhorn),
but rather vague in the southwestern part (Reykja-
vík). During this period sea ice frequently covered
the coastal areas in late winter in the northern and
northeastern Iceland associated with low sea surface
JÖKULL,No. 41, 1991 15