
Jökull - 01.12.1991, Side 21

Jökull - 01.12.1991, Side 21
Finally, the cool period 1972-1990 shows less deviations than 1965-1971, but the variation between different parts of the country is reverse, partly because no sea ice arrived in those years. It is of interest to note that the negative deviations are larger in the western part of the country than in the eastern one. The summers were especially cold during this period. It is not unlikely that air masses arriving from west rather than north are causing this distribution. CONCLUSION In Iceland temperature is quite variable between dif- ferent parts of the country. The cause is a combina- tion of meteorological and oceanographic effects as well as the mountainous character of the country. The standard deviation shows a considerable vari- ation of annual and monthly temperature from year to year, thus indicating sudden changes of air masses caused by extensive and frequent low pressure sys- tems. Variations between different parts of the coun- try are distinct. Especially in summer the standard deviation in the northeastern interior is more than twice the values in the southern part. Based on the monthly standard deviation a sea- sonal division is proposed in the following way: the months January-March being winter, April-May spring, June-August summer and September- December autumn. It is shown that variations from year to year of the annual temperature are mostly in phase for the coun- try as a whole. The same applies generally for the months January-April and September-December. During summer, monthly temperature variations in different parts of the country are not at all in phase. Considerable temperature variations have occurred in Iceland during this century. Most signif- icant are the very cold first two decades, a sudden rise after 1920 followed by an unusually warm period 1926-1946. Since the end of this warm period tem- perature has, with some irregularities, gradually been decreasing. REFERENCES Einarsson, M.A. 1976. Veðurfar á Islandi. Iðunn, Reykjavík, 150 pp. Einarsson, M.A. 1978. Könnun á skiptingu Islands í veðurspásvœði. Veðurstofa Islands, Reykjavík, 49 pp. Einarsson, M.A. 1983. Breytileiki og einkenni nokkurra veðurþátta eftir veðurlagi á Islandi. Veðurstofa íslands, Reykjavík, 51 pp. Einarsson, M.Á. 1984. Climate of Iceland. In: H. Van Loon (Ed.), Climates of the Oceans, World Survey of Climatology, Vol.15, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, p.673-697. Einarsson, M.Á. 1989. Hitafar á Islandi á þessari öld. Veðurstofa Islands, Reykjavík, 66 pp. Eyþórsson, J. 1949. Temperature variations in Iceland. Reprinted from Glaciers and Climate, Geografiska Annaler, Vol.31, H.l-2, Stockholm, p.36-55. Eyþórsson, J. and H. Sigtryggsson 1971. The climate and weather of Iceland. The Zoology of Iceland, Vol.I, Part 3, Ejnar Munksgaard, Copenhagen and Reykjavík, 62 pp. Hovmöller, E. 1960. Climatological Information on Iceland. Report No.TAO/ICE/4, United Nations Programme of Technical Assistance. 115 pp. íslenzk veðurfarsbók 1920-1923. Veðurfræðideild Löggildingarstofunnar, Reykjavík. Meteorologisk Aarbog, Il.del, 1873-1919. Det Danske Meteorologiske Institut, Köbenhavn. Sigfúsdóttir, A.B. 1969. Hitabreytingar á íslandi 1846-1968. In: M.Á. Einarsson (Ed.), Hafísinn, Almenna bókafélagið, Reykjavík p.70-79. Sigfúsdóttir, A.B. 1969. Temperature in Stykkis- hólmur 1846-1968. Jökull, 19.ár. Veðráttan 1924-1990. Monthly and annual climato- logical summaries. Veðurstofa Islands, Reykja- vík. JÖKULL, No. 41, 1991 19
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