Jökull - 01.12.1991, Page 59
UK 1 3 358 +70 166 +80 6 1.5 N UL 1 2 139 -50 35 -48 (16) 0.7 R
UK 2 3 11 +72 117 +81 23 1.0 N UL 2 2 106 -49 68 -34 (30) 0.9 RT*
UK 3 4 351 +73 201 +83 7 0.9 N UL 3 2 125 -61 59 -52 (14) 1.1 R
UK 4 3 3 +67 152 +76 5 3.6 N UL 4 3 148 -68 44 -69 13 1.1 R
UK 5 3 9 +69 130 +78 5 1.4 N UL 5 2 158 -74 57 -79 ( 4) 0.8 R
UK 6 3 49 +65 77 +59 6 1.6 N UL 6 2 159 -77 79 -81 (11) 1.0 R
UK 7 4 135 -40 36 -39 7 1.3 RT UL 7 2 139 -77 90 -73 ( ?) 1.1 R
UK 8 3 42 +76 50 +72 6 2.0 N UL 8 2 154 -76 74 -78 ( 5) 1.2 R
UK 9 3 28 +73 80 +75 6 1.9 N UL 9 2 132 -79 101 -71 ( 7) 0.8 R
UK 10 3 37 +74 65 +72 8 1.5 N UL 10 2 162 -75 62 -82 ( 3) 1.1 R
UK 11 4 35 +75 60 +74 3 0.6 N UL 11 3 174 -79 130 -85 3 1.4 R
UH HELGAFELL UL 12 3 134 -84 131 -71 9 1.2 R
UH 1 3 NEAR INTRUSIONS (?) UL 13 3 161 -77 86 -82 6 0.8 R
UH 2 3 NEAR INTRUSIONS (?) UL 14 4 TILLITE >60 1.4 (?)
UH 3 3 177 -77 126 -88 11 6.1 R UL 15 4 154 -79 106 -79 10 1.8 R
UH 4 3 200 -79 206 -81 11 4.9 R UL 16 3 165 -76 66 -83 8 1.2 R
UH 5 4 233 -70 245 -62 3 1.5 R UL 17 3 105 -85 133 -65 13 0.8 R
UH 6 3 227 -70 249 -65 13 19.3 R UL 18 3 179 -78 147 -88 15 0.9 R
UH 7 3 212 -72 259 -72 10 0.2 R UL 19 2 157 -75 62 -79 (25) 1.0 R*
UH 8 3 198 -73 277 -79 3 5.3 R UL 19A 3 26 -70 141 -30 12 3.3 RT
UH 9 4 192 -74 276 -83 5 5.2 R UL 20 4 204 +80 327 +46 6 3.5 N
UH 10 3 202 -74 261 -79 10 4.8 R UL 21 2 179 +62 339 +17 ( 7) 1.2 NT
UH 11 3 186 -75 285 -86 8 1.1 R UL 22 3 296 +74 270 +61 7 3.3 N
UH 12 3 176 -75 23 -87 6 4.8 R UL 23 3 255 +84 316 +59 6 2.9 N
UH 13 3 192 -74 274 -84 4 3.9 R UL 24 3 287 +77 285 +61 6 2.8 N
UH 14 4 199 -73 272 -79 3 5.2 R UL 25 4 TILLITE >60 2.0 (N?)
UH 15 4 VIGHOLL THREE N, ONE R CORE (N?) UL 26 3 315 +75 262 +70 4 3.0 N
GB 1-27,UA,UB,UL,UC,UD 12 DEG.
GB 28-37,UE,UF,UG 8 DEG UK 18 DEG UH 20 DEG
Table 1. Results of paleomagnetic direction measurements in the Mosfellssveit area profiles ofFig. 3. -
Niðurstöður segulstefnumœlinga á hraunlögum í Mosfellssveit.
N: number of samples used in computing average remanence directions.
D,I: declination and inclination ofbest mean remanence direction.
LON, LAT: longitude and latitude ofvirtual geomagnetic pole.
ALF: 95% confidence anglefor mean direction (in brackets ifN=2).
J100: arithmetic mean remanence intensity after 100 Oe AF treatment, A/m. In profile UL, this is
replaced by the mean natural remanence.
POL: polarity ( T= low-latitude pole).
both through surface geological observations, by
research on material from the many deep geothermal
drill holes in the region, and by the interpretation of
geophysical measurements such as aeromagnetic sur-
This project was partially supported (in 1985) by
Hitaveita Reykjavíkur, the Reykjavik Municipal
Heating Service. Guðmundur I. Haraldsson kindly
allowed us to make use of his unpublished geological
map of the Mosfellssveit area. We also thank several
field and laboratory assistants, who have helped in
our paleomagnetic research in the area.
GB : Gufunes promontory. Starts at sea level west of
the Eiðsgrandi gravel bar and follows the coast to no.
30. Ends above the old rock quarry near the
Korpúlfsstaðir buildings.
UE : Korpa river. Starts at sea level east of the
stream, the first eight units being sampled on the east
bank. Lavas UE 9-15 were mapped at scattered loca-
tions around the Blikastaðir farm, but only no. 15
was sampled.
UF : Korpa. Sampling started at flow no. 13 ca. 100
m west of the Korpúlfsstaðir road. The section then
crosses the Korpa stream, and a few outcrops are
JÖKULL, No.41, 1991 57