
Jökull - 01.12.1991, Síða 61

Jökull - 01.12.1991, Síða 61
UL : W- Úlfarsfell. The lower part is in the small but conspicuous gully above the main road around Hamrahlíð, ending in the tillite bed UL 14 at ca. 160 m. The upper part starts at the end of a track off road no. 430 at about 120 m altitude. UO : NW- Úlfarsfell. Short profile segment sampled at the base of the cliffs, stratigraphically lower than UA. UA: N- Úlfarsfell. Beginning at the base of the cliffs at an elevation of about 155 m. Thin flows, difficult to drill, so that several were omitted. Reversal from R to N occurs at a tillite horizon above UA 18. UB : Upper Úlfarsfell. Continuation of UA with some overlap, beginning at about 180 m altitude. The units numbered UB 4 and 8 could not be found dur- ing sampling. UB 17 B,D,G are thin flows cored on a ridge running east from the top of the mountain (named Stórihnúkur). UB 20 is a thin vein at the peak of Stórihnúkur and 20A is nearby pillows or blobs in the tuff. UC : Varmá stream. Short segment sampled, starting above Efrihvoll where the stream leaves a steep gully. The lower part of the segment includes some hard irregularly jointed lavas, presumably subglacial. UD : Hafrahlíð hill. UD 0-15 are in the brook of Uxalækur in the Borgardalur valley, starting at about 100 m altitude. UD 0 is an isolated intrusive or lava flow displaying irregular columnar jointing within the tuffaceous sediment. After an unexposed gap of a few tens of m above UD 15 the profile continues up the peak south of Borgardalur. UD 23 are isolated basalt pillows in tuff. UH : Helgafell hill, from base of the compound flow at an elevation of about 80 m to no. 14 at the top of the hill. Sites UH 1 and 2 were close to small intru- sives and gave very inconsistent remanence results, so that data from these lavas have been discarded. UH 15 is the intrusive plug Víghóll, east of Helgafell. Two production wells of Hitaveita Reykjavíkur are in the vicinity, about 40 m below sampling site UH 1 in altitude. Well MG 19 (1513 m deep) is about 350 m east of site UH 1 and well MG 37 (2000 m deep) is about 350 m northwest of site UH 1. There is a fault with downthrow to the west between well MG 37 and site UH 1. REFERENCES Einarsson, T. 1957. Magneto-geological mapping in Iceland with the use of a compass. Adv. Phys. 6: 232-239. Friðleifsson, I.B. 1973. Petrology and structure of the Esja Quaternary volcanic region, SW-Iceland. Ph.D. thesis, University of Oxford, 209 pp. Friðleifsson, I.B. 1985. Jarðsaga Esju og nágrennis. Arbók Ferðafélags Islands: 141-172. Geirsdóttir, Á. 1991. Diamictites of late Pliocene age in westem Iceland. Jökull 40 : 3-25. Jóhannesson, H. 1985. Jarðfræði Innnesja. In: Innnes. Náttúrufar, minjar og landnýting (ed. Kristbjörn Egilsson). Náttúrufræðistofnun Islands og Staðarvalsnefnd : 17-22. Kristjánsson, L. 1984. Notes on paleomagnetic sampling in Iceland. Jökull 34: 67-76. Kristjánsson, L., I.B. Friðleifsson and N.D. Watkins, 1980. Stratigraphy and paleomagnetism of the Esja, Eyrarfjall and Akrafjall mountains, SW- Iceland. J. Geophys. 47: 31 —42. Kristjánsson, L. and M. Sigurgeirsson 1992. The R3-N3 and R5-N5 palaeomagnetic transition zones in SW-Iceland revisited. J. Geomagn. Geoel. (in press). Sigurgeirsson, Th. 1957. Direction of magnetization in Icelandic basalts. Adv. Phys. 6: 240-246. Smárason, O.B., H. Tulinius, Th. Thorsteinsson, J. Tómasson, Th. Sveinbjörnsson and V. Hjaltadóttir 1985. Reykjavík. Hola RV-42 við Korpuós. Borun og þrýstiprófun. National Energy Authority Report OS-85063/JHD-28B, 62 pp. Theodórsdóttir, S. 1972. Grímmannsfell í Mosfellssveit. B.S. thesis, University of Iceland, 20 pp. Thors, K. 1969. The geology of the Úlfarsfell area. B.Sc. thesis, University of Manchester. Thors, K. 1974. Stratigraphy of the Úlfarsfell area. Ph.D. thesis, University of Manchester. Torfason, H. 1974. Af Mosfellssveit. B.S. thesis, University of Iceland. Tómasson, J., Þ. Thorsteinsson, H. Kristmannsdóttir and I.B. Friðleifsson 1977. Höfuðborgarsvæði. Jarðhitarannsóknir 1965-1973. National Energy Authority Report OSJHD 7703, 109 pp. JÖKULL, No. 41, 1991 59
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