Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Page 23
Table 11.41. Rental of video cassettes 1994-1998. Share of population, %................................................ 219
Table 11.42. Penetration of VCRs, DVD players and camcorders 1991-2002, %............................................... 220
Table 11.43. VCRs and DVD players in households 2000-2001. Share of households, %................................... 221
Table 11.44. Imports of VCRs, DVD players, camcorders and video cassettes 1996-2002. Volume............................. 222
Table 11.45. Imports of VCRs, DVD players, camcorders and video cassettes 1996-2002. Cif-value in thous. ISK... 222
Table 12.1. Radio license-fee accounts 1991-2002........................................................................ 223
Table 12.2. Public and private radio channels 1991-2002................................................................. 224
Table 12.3. Transmission hours of radio channels 1991-2001 ............................................................. 225
Table 12.4. Radio channels of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Radio 2002 ................................... 226
Table 12.5. Private radio channels 2002................................................................................. 227
Table 12.6. Private radio channels 1996-2001 by programme profile....................................................... 228
Table 12.7. Transmission hours of private radio channels 1996-2001 by programme profile. Yearly hours................... 228
Table 12.8. Transmission hours of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Radio 1991-2001 .......................... 229
Table 12.9. Transmission hours of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Radio Channel 1 1991-2001 ................ 229
Table 12.10. Transmission hours of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Radio Channel 2 1991-2001 ............... 230
Table 12.11. Transmission hours of regional programmes of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Radio
1991-2001 ................................................................................................. 230
Table 12.12. Yearly transmission days and daily hours of the regional programmes of the Icelandic National
Broadcasting Service-Radio 1997-2001 ...................................................................... 232
Table 12.13. Yearly transmission days and daily hours of private radio stations 2001 ................................... 233
Table 12.14. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Radio 1997-2001 by main categories
of content. Yearly hours................................................................................... 234
Table 12.15. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Radio 1997-2001 by main categories
of content. Percent distribution........................................................................... 235
Table 12.16. Programming of private radio channels 1997-2001 by main categories of content. Yearly hours................ 236
Table 12.17. Programming of private radio channels 1997-2001 by main categories of content. Percent distribution... 237
Table 12.18. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Channel 1 1991-2001. Yearly hours...... 239
Table 12.19. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Channel 1 1991-2001. Percent distribution 240
Table 12.20. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Channel 2 1991-2001. Yearly hours...... 241
Table 12.21. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Channel 2 1991-2001. Percent distribution 242
Table 12.22. Programming of private radio channels 2001. Yearly hours................................................... 243
Table 12.23. Programming of private radio channels 2001. Percent distribution........................................... 244
Table 12.24. Programming on the private nationwide radio channel Bylgjan 1997-2001 ..................................... 245
Table 12.25. Initial and repeat transmissions on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Channel 1
and Channel 2 1998-2001 ................................................................................... 245
Table 12.26. Private radio channels by regions 1991-2002................................................................ 246
Table 12.27. Private broadcasters by number of radio channels 1991-2002................................................. 246
Table 12.28. Radio advertising revenue and sponsorship 1991-2001 ....................................................... 247
Table 12.29. Radio advertising revenue and sponsorship 1991-2001. Percent distribution.................................. 248
Table 12.30. Radio advertising revenue and sponsorship 1991-2001 in ISK per capita...................................... 249
Table 12.31. Launch year and lifetime of radio stations operated 1990-2002 ............................................. 250
Table 12.32. Radio license-fee 1991-2002 ............................................................................... 250
Table 12.33. Radio listening 1991 and 1993-2003......................................................................... 251
Table 12.34. Daily reach of single radio channels 1991-2003............................................................. 252
Table 12.35. Weekly reach of single radio channels 1992-2003 ........................................................... 253
Table 12.36. Share of listening time by single radio channels 1991-2003................................................. 254
Table 13.1. Television license-fee accounts 1991-2002 .................................................................. 255
Table 13.2. Television channels 1991-2002 .............................................................................. 256
Table 13.3. Transmission hours of television channels 1991-2001 ........................................................ 256
Table 13.4. Television channels 2002 ................................................................................... 257
Table 13.5. Television channels by kind of access 1991-2001............................................................. 258
Table 13.6. Private television channels 1991-2002 by programme profde................................................... 258
Table 13.7. Transmission hours of private television channels 1991-2001 by programme profile. Yearly hours. 259
Table 13.8. Transmission hours of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2001 ............................. 259
Table 13.9. Transmission hours of private generalist TV channels 1991-2001 ............................................. 260
Table 13.10. Transmission hours of thematic TV channels 1992-2001 ...................................................... 261
Table 13.11. Transmission hours of local TV channels 1995-2001 ......................................................... 262
Table 13.12. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2001 by main categories of content .. 264
Table 13.13. Programming of private generalist TV channels 1996-2001 by main categories of content. Yearly hours 265
Table 13.14. Programming of private generalist TV channels 1996-2001 by main categories of content.
Percent distribution....................................................................................... 266