Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Page 24
Table 13.15. Programming of some thematic and local TV channels 1996-2001 by main categories of content.
Yearly hours...................................................................................... 267
Table 13.16. Programming of some thematic and local TV channels 1996-2001 by main categories of content.
Percent distribution.............................................................................. 268
Table 13.17. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2001. Yearly hours.................... 269
Table 13.18. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2001. Percent distribution... 270
Table 13.19. Programming of private generalist TV channels 1991-2001. Yearly hours.................................... 271
Table 13.20. Programming of private generalist TV channels 1991-2001. Percent distribution............................ 272
Table 13.21. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV by origin 1991-2001 ....................... 273
Table 13.22. Programming of private generalist TV channels by origin 1991-2001........................................ 274
Table 13.23. Programming of some thematic and local TV channels by origin 1996-2001 .................................. 275
Table 13.24. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV by country/region of origin 1991-2001.
Yearly hours............................................................................................... 276
Table 13.25. Programming of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV by country/region of origin 1991-2001.
Percent distribution....................................................................................... 276
Table 13.26. Programming of private generalist TV channels by country/region of origin 1993-2001. Yearly hours ...
Table 13.27. Programming of private generalist TV channels by country/region of origin 1993-2001. Percent distribution . 278
Table 13.28. Programming of some thematic and local TV channels by country/region of origin 1996-2001.
Yearly hours............................................................................................... 279
Table 13.29. Programming of some thematic and local TV channels by country/region of origin 1996-2001.
Percent distribution....................................................................................... 280
Table 13.30. Initial and repeat transmissions of generalist TV channels 1994-2001 ....................................... 281
Table 13.31. Initial and repeat transmissions of some thematic and local TV channels 1998-2001........................... 282
Table 13.32. Child and youth programmes on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2001...................... 283
Table 13.33. Child and youth programming on private generalist TV channels 1991-2001..................................... 284
Table 13.34. Child and youth programming on thematic and local TV channels 1998-2001 .................................... 285
Table 13.35. Programming by language on some private TV channels 1991-2001 .............................................. 286
Table 13.36. Showings of feature and TV films on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2001 ............... 287
Table 13.37. Feature and TV films shown on private TV channels 1991-2001................................................. 288
Table 13.38. Showings of domestic and foreign feature and TV films on the Icelandic National Broadcasting
Service-TV 1996-2001 .................................................................................... 289
Table 13.39. Showings of feature and TV films on some private TV channels 1993-2001 by country/region of origin 289
Table 13.40. Showings of feature and TV films on some private TV channels 1993-2001 by country/region of origin.
Percent distribution....................................................................................... 290
Table 13.41. Private broadcasters by number of TV channels 1991-2002..................................................... 291
Table 13.42. Relay of non-domestic television 1991-2002.................................................................. 291
Table 13.43. Distributors of relayed non-domestic TV channels 2002....................................................... 292
Table 13.44. Non-domestic TV channels relayed by end-of-year 2002............................................... 293
Table 13.45. Television advertising revenue and sponsorship 1991-2001.................................................... 294
Table 13.46. Television advertising revenue and sponsorship 1991-2001. Percent distribution.............................. 295
Table 13.47. Television advertising revenue and sponsorship 1991-2001 in ISK per capita.................................. 296
Table 13.48. Launch year and lifetime of television stations 1990-2002................................................... 297
Table 13.49. Yearly television license-fee and yearly subscription charge for pay television 1991-2002................... 297
Table 13.50. Monthly television license-fee and monthly subscription charge for pay television 1991-2002 ................ 298
Table 13.51. Daily television license-fee and daily subscription charge for pay television 1991-2002..................... 299
Table 13.52. Penetration of television, teletext, cable TV and satellite dishes in the home 1991-2002, % ................ 300
Table 15.53. Television receiver ownership in households 2000-2001. Share of households, %............................... 300
Table 13.54. Subscription of households to TV channels 2000-2001. Share of households, %................................. 301
Table 13.55. Subscriptions to single TV channels 1991-2003. Share of population, %....................................... 301
Table 13.56. Television viewing 1991 and 1993-2003 ...................................................................... 302
Table 13.57. Daily viewing to single TV channels 1991-2003............................................................... 303
Table 13.58. Weekly viewing to single TV channels 1992-2003 ............................................................. 304
Table 13.59. Share of viewing time by single TV channels 1991 and 1993-2003 ............................................. 305
Table 13.60. Use of the teletext service of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service in a week 1999
and 2001-2002. Share of population, %....................................................................... 305
Broadcasting media
Table 14.1. Employees of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service 1991-2002........................................... 306
Table 14.2. Revenue of broadcasting stations 1991-2002 in thous. ISK..................................................... 307
Table 14.3. Revenue of broadcasting stations 1991-2002. Percent distribution............................................. 308
Table 14.4. Revenue of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Radio 1991-2002 in thous. ISK...................... 309
Table 14.5. Revenue of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-Radio 1991-2002. Percent distribution.............. 309
Table 14.6. Revenue of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2002 in thous. ISK......................... 310
Table 14.7. Revenue of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2002. Percent distribution................. 310
Table 14.8. Obligatory status of public service and private broadcasters................................................. 312