Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Page 275
Sjónvaip Television
Tafla 13.21. Dagskrá Ríkisútvarpsins - Sjónvarps eftir uppruna 1991-2001
Table 13.21. Programming ofthe Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV by origin 1991-2001
Stundir á ári Yearly hours Hlutfallsleg skipting, % Percent distribution
Alls Total Innlent Domestic Erlent Foreign Alls Total Innlent Domestic Erlent Foreign
1991 2.518 780 1.739 100,0 31,0 69,0
1992 2.559 844 1.715 100,0 33,0 67,0
1993 2.668 826 1.842 100,0 31,0 69,0
1994 2.885 1.033 1.852 100,0 35,8 64,2
1995 2.932 897 2.035 100,0 30,6 69,4
1996 3.079 867 2.211 100,0 28,2 71,8
1997 3.144 842 2.302 100,0 26,8 73,2
1998 3.220 986 2.234 100,0 30,6 69,4
1999 3.147 943 2.203 100,0 30,0 70,0
2000 3.362 1.114 2.248 100,0 33,1 66,9
2001 3.177 1.064 2.113 100,0 33,5 66,5
Skýring Note: Að fradregnum auglýsingum og fjarsöluþáttum 1966-1999, auk uppfyllinga og dagskrárkynninga frá 2000. Excluding advertisements and
teleshopping 1966-1999, as well as insert slots and programme announcements since 2000.
Heimiid Source: Ríkisútvarpið (Ársskýrslur og óútgefnar upplýsingar.). The lcelandic National Broadcasting Service (Annual Reports and unpublished
[T 13.21. 1966-2001]
Mynd 13.9. Innlent efni sem hlutfall af dagskrá Ríkisútvarpsins - Sjónvarps 1991-2001, %
Figure 13.9. Share of domestic programmes on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2001, %